Chapter Seventeen: First council meeting

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Willow and Cypress look around the main hall of the council looking at the paintings around them, their idea of what the old Kings and Queens look like were completely different to what they actually look like. Willow decided that for now, Philip and Anderson can be on the council to help aid the start up of her reign.

"So, who do think this is?" Cypress asks

"No idea, I can't even tell if they male or female, they all look the same or is it me?" Willow look at her brother

"Thank god, I thought it was just me" Both of them broke out laughing

"Since when were either of you religious" Matt join them, "that is Queen Brylee you are looking at, the last Queen is over there, next to her is King Ellis, he would be your great grandad. He was a good man"

"The meeting needs to start" Anderson walk by

"The meeting starts when Willow calls it to order Anderson, you are no longer in charge" Thanatos says

"Come on, lets go in" Willow said trying to avoid an argument.

Willow took her place at the top of the table, Cypress and Theo either side of her being her closes advise, Aeneas sat next to Theo, Amina next to Cypress and Anderson, Philip and Thanatos fill three more seats.

"Why are there five more seats?" Philip asks

"They are for the leaders that Florence and Lucifer recruit they will be here soon, I thought it was I should meet them in person, I will not have them fight for me without meeting them."

With this, the door open and five creatures enter, the two trolls Lucifer and Florence first recruited, a water nymph, a kitsune Willow believe it was call, and a faun.

"Hello, welcome I hope you don't mind we already came in, it's a pleasure to meet you all" Willow got up and when to greet them. Each one had names that Willow could barely pronounce in their own language so decided to tell their Queen their common name, but they all appreciate her trying, so they gave her the chance to shorten their names down apart from the water nymph

"I'm Myosyis, unfortunately not many water creatures can leave the water so we are not sure how useful we will be to your war."

"Thank you for coming, will I be able to meet them at some point? Even if they cannot be part of this war, I think I need sort out each Kingdom and understand each race"

"Yes, I think can be possible, thank you for understanding"

The meeting lasts hours deciding the best plan and defusing argument between everyone, with the last argument deal with Willow had enough for one day.

"We'll meet again tomorrow same time" Willow announce to them all "I think we have enough talk for today, although I think you two had better head back to Dhu he may start to wonder where you are and don't worry about tomorrow if you feel like you can't get away" She look over at the trolls, both grunted in agreement.

Willow walk to the window overlooking the gardens outside the building, there's a labyrinth in the middle of this garden, the large hedge was over grown and in the centre Willow could just make out a statue of a woman surrounded by children by cover in vines and moss. Willow try to find the entrance thinking she might want to walk through it, get some order in her mind about this meeting.

"I'll walk it with you, help tidy it up, we don't have to talk but it is over grown and more than likely have grass and earth nymphs of all types in there and surprise you" Theo said "but I do wish to talk about which elements you wish to choose"

"I wish to have a moment of your time, your highness" the faun walks up to her

"Yes, Blackwood"

"Thank you for including us, I think all the last royalty miss this fact and thought that they knew what was best for us without asking, you'll make an excellent Queen if you continue this"

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