Chapter Eighteen: Truths

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Matt sat outside of the pub watching people going by when he saw Cypress walk up to join him, Matt smile, he and Cypress have been getting close over the pass month but not spend anytime alone together as the house was full and busy with something new everyday. Today, he asks Cypress to meet him to grab a drink, so that he can talk to Cypress alone without someone walking in. Matt felt his heart rate increase seeing Cypress walking towards him.

"Hi" Cypress said a wide grin spread across his face "have you order a drink yet?"

"Yes, I order for both of us, Ive order you a house red wine" Matt said standing up to greet him

Elise walk over with two red wine and place them on the table when Matt and Cypress took a seat. Elise smiled at Matt then left them.

"So how was your lesson?" Matt enquires

"Good I learnt about how to create vines with my hands today, dad enjoying teaching"

"Yes, he was going to be a teacher once, he started the training once when you were born. Passed with top marks I believe and studied English alongside"

"So, you and dad were always in contact"

"Of course, we tried the best we could over the years I even lived with you when Helena died"

"Why don't I remember that?"

"Because you experience trauma, your young brain couldn't deal with what you saw and block it."

Cypress fell silent with this, moving back in his chair and had a sip of his drink, he couldn't remember some much of that time, and eventually he stop trying to remember but as he sat there with Matt he look over at the park across the way, he remember Matt, Willow and himself in the park playing on the swings laughing.

"The swings!!" Cypress sprung towards, Matt choked, his drink went down the wrong way, some came out of his nose, and his hand jerk spilling some of the wine.

"What?" Matt coughed out setting down his drink to ensure that no more was wasted.

"I remember being the swing with you at the park"

"Well, there's no need to shout about it"


Matt smiled at Cypress, forgiving him for the outburst, he knew Cypress struggle with his memory loss, Cypress felt guilty about forgetting that night and the months that followed but in the long run it was for the best for now and the memories will return.

"Come with me" Matt got up, finishing his drink see Cypress looking sad and offer his hand. Cypress finish his drink, took his hand and held it when Matt took the lead. Matt lead him towards the forest.

"Where are we going?"

"For a walk, just us in the woods"

Matt and Cypress walk along the main path in silence, swapping glance still holding hands. Matt stop, there was a three-way split in the road.

"Let's take the middle one, it leads to a dead end but it's a small field, it's beautiful" Cypress said

It was a short walk down the path into the clearing, Cypress found a dry space in the grass and sat next to Matt.

"So, I've spoken to your dad. I have something to tell you but I." Matt broke off and looked at Cypress, he couldn't tell him, Theo would kill him, he knew that Theo was angry when Matt told him first and when to the seeing stones to look, but Theo hadn't said anything else to him just that he wants Matt and Cypress to be happy.

Cypress look at him, he decided to act upon his emotion and kiss Matt on the lips, it was short and he blushed as he pull away, Matt place a hand on Cypress face, bringing back it back for another kiss this time Matt put all his emotions in to it. They broke the kiss gasping for air, their heads resting against one another not wanting to stop but had to. They both laugh

"well I guess I shouldn't worry anymore" Matt sighed relieved from the kiss.

"Yes, nether should I" Cypress grinned.

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