"Pops refused to leave Hate, until about a week or two after his birthday. It took nearly six months for him to get back on his feet. He hardly ate, he would sleep all day, and would break down constantly." Killer released his crushing grip on the bedside, gently brushing his hand over Cross's forehead. "He never really told us what went down, but I don't blame him. He can hardly think about it without going to a panic attack or freaking out. And knowing that Hate won't leave him alone.." Cross's fingers twitched, tensing and relaxing. Killer's hand dropped from his skull to grab his hand. "It's making it harder for him. And now that we live with you, he's getting worse." Dream flinched, his eyes growing wide.

Killer's head turned, his gaze meeting Dream's. "You aren't a problem. You're okay, but that damn brother of yours?" Dream subconsciously tightened his grip on his brother's blanket. "He knows that Pops is scared of him, and he's fucking playing with it. He knows that what he's doing could end up with Pop's getting hurt, or even dying, and he still does it." Killer's teeth ground against each other. "And not only that, but he knows it's his job to help Pops. For someone who constantly says he doesn't want to lose his job, he sure does like making fun of my dad for no fucking reason. He fucks around and acts like it's my dad's fault that he's not getting better, acts like he's ruining his life just by existing."

Killer grit his teeth, turning his head away forcefully from glaring at Nightmare. "....If he ends up being the reason my dad dies, Dream..." He rubbed his thumb over Cross's knuckles, voice soft. "..I'll kill him." Dream paled, stammering out a protest, "Killer, I don't- You-" Nightmare, who'd been awake for nearly the entire conversation, opened his eye and shushed his brother. He went quiet after, his silence completely at odds with the roaring turmoil in his mind.

Cross woke up not too long after Nightmare did. His eyes opened slowly, staring at the ceiling in a daze. Killer noticed immediately, perking up with a grin. "Pops." Cross turned his head and gazed at Killer blearily. "..?" He gave a questioning sound, shifting to try and sit up. Killer quickly nudged him back down, shaking his head. "Don't move too much. You got hurt pretty badly." Cross muttered his response, sockets drooping under the effects of the morphine. Killer tightened his grip on Cross's hand, quietly telling him what the doctor said and talking about random things. Dream watched them with a smile. Nightmare stared at them as well, frowning.


Cross and Nightmare were fully healed by sundown. It had taken two healers each, but in the end, Killer didn't care. He was just glad Cross was okay now. Well, sort of.

Now that the morphine had worn off, Cross was... tense. He sat with his spine stiff and his eyesocket wide. Killer could only see one of Cross's sockets. The doctor had put a cap thing over the other, since the magic would be 'sensitive' while it healed, so Cross was gonna be a pirate for the next five months. Killer glanced up as the car slowed, leaning forward uncomfortably into his seatbelt. Dream's car was smaller than Killer was used to. The car jerked gently to a stop and the lights turned on. Cross threw his door open, sliding out quickly to get away from Nightmare. Another thing about Dream's car, the passenger seat was filled with papers and other miscellaneous items. This meant that Nightmare had to sit in the backseat with Cross and Killer. Cross had been the first to get in, and for some stupid reason, Nightmare had practically dove in after him, preventing Killer from sitting between the two. So Nightmare sat in the middle and was the main reason Cross had sat so stiffly.

Killer was the last to get out, shoving past Nightmare to catch up with Cross. Dream sighed heavily, following them and rummaging through his pockets. "Oh dear, I don't have the-" Nightmare elbowed his brother, silencing him. "I have it." Dream stepped aside, "Okay then. Go on and open the door." Cross quickly moved back, giving Nightmare full access to the door. As soon as it was open, Killer pushed Nightmare in and forced him into the first doorway he found. Nightmare hissed, cursing at Killer as Cross hurried past them, vanishing around the corner. A door slammed and Killer backed away from Nightmare. The darker huffed, starting down the hallway as well. He disappeared, Killer's glare following him in the hall.

"Killer? Would you like to help me cook a quick meal? I'm sure your father is hungry." Dream's offer was hesitant. Killer turned, shrugging and following Dream into the kitchen. When a plate of fruit was placed in front of him, Killer glanced at Dream with a raised brow. Dream gave him a sheepish grin in return. "Em, it's pretty late, and I'm sure you're good with knives, so this shouldn't take too long to make, right?" Dream held up a generic kitchen knife. Killer stared at it, "What are we even making?" Dream took the utensil back as Killer summoned his own blade and started skinning the fruit. The peeled fruit went to Dream, who cut them into bite-sized cubes using an actual kitchen knife. The adult paused for a moment at Killer's question, slow to pick up on his movements again. "Um.. A fruit salad? Yes, a fruit salad sounds lovely, dontcha think? An-and we could even throw in some uh.."

Dream looked around, his gaze landing on a pack of microwave mac'n'cheese. "Some mac and cheese!" Killer turned to blink at Dream, "Are you alright? You're stammering." Dream gave a forced laugh, clearly uncomfortable. "No, I'm alright, Killer, don't worry, I'm just uh.." Killer reached out to grab Dream's wrist, stopping him from cutting his thumb. "Your hands are shaking. You'll end up cutting yourself like this." Dream let Killer take the knife, hunching over with a shaky inhale. Killer put the knives down and turned to frown up at Dream. "What's wrong?"

"It's just, w-what you said earlier- about Night, it-.. um." Killer shifted, frown hardening. "What about it?" Dream's hands twisted around each other, "It's b-bothering me. A lot." He dropped his hands, slumping further. "L-look, I know you care about Cross, but.. I don't think, um. Isn't it a bit excessive to imperil someone's life over him?" Dream hurried to continue as Killer's expression soured. "Hold o-on now! Don't be rash, just wait a moment! It's- It's admirable, how much you love Cross, and I respect you for it, I do, I just wish you wouldn't threaten to kill my brother..! He hasn't been horrible enough to deserve that, has he?" Killer's fingers spasmed, his socket twitching. Dream recoiled as Killer growled,  but the teen just sighed and shook his head.

"I get where you're coming from. I wouldn't be happy about it either, but Dream, if-" Killer rubbed his skull, wincing. "What if someone was playing with your brother's life like Nightmare plays with my pops'? Risking his life, just for fun?" Dream stepped back, growing uncomfortable under Killer's stare. After a few moments, Killer sighed again and turned away. "Forget it. Let's just finish this salad. I'll take Pops' plate."


Dunno what to do next lmao. So, I'm going to be inactive for a while, for personal reasons. It's nothing bad, just won't have access to internet for about two weeks, maybe three. I've got ideas for new parts though, so I might end up posting a shit ton of writing at the end of these three weeks. See ya'll then UwU

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