Day 1&2(RMS)

730 13 7

(Kinda old, but not)

I'll put translations between each day :)

Hmm, I wonder how things will turn out for the oreo and hentai octopus?

Friends with benefits?

Best Friends? 

No-No Zone?

Somewhere in between?

Maybe with a sprinkle of Lenny?

XD I actually like the idea of them just becoming really close friends


Every house looked like shit. Nightmare glared at the ground, occasionally looking up to scan the houses. No cars, unkempt gardens, overflowing garbage bins, and packed mailboxes. He scowled as he noticed the street was coming to an end. This was the last place he'd checked, and if he didn't find a nice house, then he'd have to either stay with his bother or a pig. (If your house looks like this, sorry, I don't mean to offend you.) He strolled on, hoping that there'd be some hidden house that he couldn't see, with an acceptable appearance. The world seemed to pity him for once, it looked like, because as soon as he thought about it, a small-ish house that had been built further away from the street peeked out at him like a flower among filth. He slowed to a stop and felt a grin form. Perfect.

A freshly cut lawn, a car in the driveway, no trash piled around the bins, and an empty mailbox. Nightmare pulled out his phone and sent his brother a text, along with the house's address. Once Dream agreed to pack his things, Nightmare trudged up to the door, glancing around while he walked. The house was pressed against the surrounding forest, almost flush with it, and was practically hidden behind the neighboring homes. He briefly wondered what this student would be like, and if they'd heard of him.

A car drove by, bringing him to attention. He'd reached the door. Nightmare quickly checked his outfit, making sure he was presentable, and raised his hand to knock. A yelp and a clatter let him know that someone was home. That and Nightmare could hear the person rushing about before they seemed to stop, and talk to someone. Nightmare assumed he'd interrupted a phone call. "No one's at the door, I was just, uhm, watching a movie. NO! I-I mean, you don't need to do that-!" The panicked talking stopped suddenly, and Nightmare eyed the door in confusion and impatience. Who're they talking to and why haven't they hung up if the caller scared them so much? "No, I don't, you made sure of that."

Boredom forced him to keep listening to the conversation. "I don't have friends! Why would I lie about that?!" He winced, muttering curses under his breath. "Don't tell me to shut up, you-...Hello?" Nightmare heard them faintly sigh in what sounded like relief and finally, stomping footsteps moved towards the door. He straightened and took a step back, listening to something that could've been a deadbolt open. The door opened slightly, revealing a nervous skeleton. The first thing that Nightmare noticed was the scar that matched the red of their eyelights. That was the second thing. They had different colored eyelights, one a crimson red, and the other the usual white. He scanned their face, taking in all the dents and healed cracks that littered their skull. The last thing he noticed was that they seemed to pale when they saw him. "...Hello.."

They looked over his shoulder, "...Is there anyone with you?.." Nightmare shrugged, and they shrunk back into their house, closing the door a bit and hiding behind it. "I... I can't let you in... Why're you here?.." He took a step back, probably startling them, because the door slammed shut and the nervous skeleton could be heard hyperventilating on the other side. Nightmare waited, determined to get into the house, whether it be by money, force, or an invitation. The door cracked open, and a red light stared at him, quivering in the skeleton's socket.

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