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I head outside where the nice Alabama heat coats my face.

I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and face them. "You might want to take Steve to therapy. He just broke a piece of wood with his bare hands"

I groan at tony. But I see him head into the barn.

I go back to Steve who keeps cutting wood. "Dude Im gonna say it. If you keep chopping animals will start attacking"

He turns around and drops the axe and embraces me tightly. I feel wetness on my shoulder. I rub his neck soothingly.

"I.I c..ant do th..is anymore" he chokes out sobbing.

I grab his face in my hands and wipe the tears off his face.

"I know bub" I say. More tears trickle down his sculptured face.

"I don't wanna save the world." He says crying but a little less. "I want to live like this"

He motions around the place. "I want to find my peace"

"You will. It's not the time yet" I say not meeting his gaze.

"How? How can I? The girl I love doesn't want me" he says coldly with a hint of anger seeping through. "The world I cant save."

"Sharon.." I start.

He cuts me off in a yelling. "You. Mags. You. I love you. Everyday, I have to face the truth"

"You wanna know the truth? I'll tell you" he says laughing like a maniac.

I try to interrupt. "Ste.."

"No NO let me speak" he says authority lacing his voice.

"Im madly in love with you" he says. "I can't picture my life without you. I can't be independent because I'm dependent on you"

"Do you understand? I'm in love with you. I'd die, kill, banish, any thing you say or you want. I'm doing it. because only you hold that power" he says in a strong voice.

"So Tell me right now Mag. Do I have a chance?" He says dead seriously. "Huh? Do I? I can't keep hiding my emotions from the one person who's supposed to understand me"

"Ste..." but he interrupts again.

"It's a yes or a no" he says firmly.

I sigh. He takes that as an answer and tries to stomp away.

"Yes" I say out loud. He stops in his tracks.

"What did you just say?" He asks coming closer to me.

"You have a chance. Don't blow it" I say more firmly this time.

For the first time in a long time. He is frozen. I walks up to him and cup his face in my hands. Bringing it down to meet my gaze.

I stand on the ball of my feet and connect our lips. He grabs my waist securely making sure to keep my balance.

His tongue darts into my mouth exploring like he's building a map. He pulls away slightly tugging on my lower lip.

"I love you" he says leaning his forehead against mine.

"I love you too" I say shyly.

"Hey sorry to break up the moment but dead guy is alive. Get your ass inside" tony says to us.

I pull away from steve and head up the steps to tony.

"I better have a slot in the middle names at least of the child" he says smirking and pushing me inside.

"I'm not having...ohhh James was...OHHH." I say realizing in the moment my mind had a huge brain fart.

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