Special Ending

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Super short ending special, but I hope you guys enjoy it!


"Shh, you have to be quiet, you wouldn't want to wake your baby brother would you?" Namjoon smiled, watching both of his sons shaking their heads impatiently.

Haneul and Hyun had been staying with his parents for the past few days. Seokjin had started feeling pain two nights ago, and in the early morning gave birth to their third son. It had taken both of them quite a while to be able to bring their sons in to see their siblings. Things were just different with Jimin.

The baby was delicate, smaller than his two other sons. His features were softer, cheeks fuller and mouth set in a delicate pout. Seokjin had been utterly in love with him, even giving him the prettiest name that fit him so well. He couldn't miss the way Seokjin curled around Jimin, the omega in him wanting to protect and he found himself feeling the same way. His alpha was ecstatic, the primal instinct in him telling him that Jimin would most likely present as an omega. It wasn't hard to miss, not with Jimin's scent spiraling in a milkier essence than his other two sons. Haneul and Hyun had both underlying sprouts of musk, the scent that accompanied a wolf that would be highly presenting as an alpha. The protectiveness in him was already bursting to life, and he couldn't help but condemn anything to hurt Jimin.

Namjoon picked up Haneul and Hyun, each nestled in one arm. The two were so excited, bubbling in his arms and whispering to each other as he walked towards the bedroom. When he opened the door Seokjin looked up, a smile blooming on his face when he saw them.

Haneul and Hyun audibly gasped as they approached and saw the small bundle in their fathers arms. Namjoon sat on the edge, letting them crawl closer to Seokjin. And he could see the marvel in their eyes, like thousands of stars exploding in their eyes. Utter love and affection evident in their faces as they stared down at their baby brother.

"This is Jimin, your little brother. As the oldest, you'll both have to look after him and protect him."

Seokjin's smile grew wider at their eager nodding. The baby whined, scrunching his tiny face and flailing his hand slightly. He settled down at Seokjin's quiet hums, mouth smacking lightly before sighing in his sleep. Namjoon couldn't help but chuckle, his sons had gone still, mouths open in surprise.

It wasn't long before he helped Seokjin get comfortable against his nesting furs on the bed. Haneul and Hyun had fallen asleep already, both of them curled on either side of Jimin. The sight was a beautiful one, he knew it'd be etched in his memories until the day he would part from the world. Namjoon was so utterly happy, his heart was full and his wolf was content. He settled beside Hyun, pulling the blanket over his smaller frame to keep him warm. Seokjin looked up at him, smiling slightly before leaning over Haneul carefully to press a chaste kiss to his lips.

"I love you."

Namjoon mirrored the affection in his voice, "I love you too." 

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