It Will Always Be You

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"Seokjin, honey, are you ready?"

Seokjin looked at himself one last time, his reflection in the small water basin was enough to deem himself presentable. He had slept over at his parents home, following the message relayed to them from the elders that they were to meet with the pack alpha's family to discuss their mating. His face had flushed scarlet as soon as he heard the words, and his parents started cooing at him with teasing comments. After that the news spread like wildfire throughout the pack, faster than any other rumor before. He was on his way to his parents home when he noticed people smiled at him more than often, while some younger omegas stared at him in envy. He couldn't even keep the news to himself long enough to start believing that it was actually going to happen. That same night he stayed up, rolling in bed at the mere thought of mating Namjoon.

When he had finally forced himself to get some rest it was too late, he had barely closed his eyes when a soft knock interrupted his much needed sleep. His father walked in, a bright smile on his face as he set a small tray of juice and a piece of bread on his small corner desk. Not even the cold morning shower was enough to escape the looming tiredness. Changing was a challenge, his mind not working properly enough to choose a nice pair of clothes to wear. He knew he should wear his best clothes, it would be a formal meeting and he couldn't walk in there wearing old pants and a faded shirt. When he finally settled on a decent match, his father knocked again and peaked his head inside.

"I'm ready."

Despite the sun rising, its rays filling the gaps between the trees, the chilly gust of the fall air had him tugging the sleeve of his coat over his hands. There were a few members of his pack walking down their path, all of them stealing glances as he walked in the direction of the pack's meeting cabin. He didn't mean to, but his steps quickened and he hurried away. Namjoon was standing outside the cabin, a small smile spreading on his face when he caught sight of him. He was a second away from running to him when a hand grabbed his arm and he turned around.

"Not so fast, you should properly introduce him to us first." his father muttered with a small pout on his face.

It's not that he didn't want to introduce them to one another. That wasn't the case at all, but throughout the whole mating season his mind was elsewhere. He'd be lying if he said he didn't forget about his parents existence in that brief period of time. So much was happening, so fast, that it might have not crossed his mind that it would probably be appropriate to introduce the alpha that was courting him to his parents. So now he nodded, a shy smile covering his embarrassment at the thought that he was once again going to ignore the formalities.

"Right, sorry." He walked beside them until they reached Namjoon. He smiled at him before motioning to his parents, "These are my parents, they've been waiting to meet you for some time now."

Namjoon didn't waste a second and bowed, a polite smile on his face as he extended his hand for a handshake, "It's nice meeting you both, I apologize for not greeting you properly before. I should have probably introduced myself as soon as Seokjin accepted my offering."

"Don't worry, we were a bit curious but we have years to get to know each other from now on right?"

Seokjin wanted to mentally slap himself more than once, his ears burning up and stifling a laugh when his father asked him to agree with a small pat on the back. He forced himself to nod, hoping that his face wasn't turning red as well. Namjoon chuckled with them, casting him a small glance before inviting them inside. He was glad that Namjoon waited behind, grabbing his hand as they walked behind his parents. As soon as they walked into the large meeting room, he felt lots of pairs of eyes on him, particularly on his hand intertwined with the alpha beside him. If his face didn't turn red before, he could feel his cheeks burning now and he pulled his hand away.

"Please sit, we're all ready and excited to get started." Namjoon's mother beamed as he rushed to his own parents and pulled them into an inviting hug. Their pack leader laughed behind her, shaking their hands before asking them to sit. The elders were quiet, but each held a small smile towards them as they took their seats.

"Despite the rough patches in the past weeks, I believe this mating will be filled with many blessings. The stars hold an abundant future for you both, I have no objections towards this mating." The eldest spoke, the other three elders nodded along. He didn't know what to expect from such a meeting, but he didn't think they'd get right into it this fast.

"I personally don't object either." Namjoon's mother said quickly, "I have seen many omegas do their duties, but never have I met someone as caring and dedicated as Seokjin. He didn't wait until he received his order to begin his part in taking care of the pack. He came on his own to the kitchens, sometimes the rivers and asked what he could help in. As the Luna of the pack, I am not afraid of leaving the pack in his hands. I believe Seokjin will lead the other omegas, and the rest of the pack well beside my son."

"Who am I to doubt my mate? I don't know you well, but seeing you in my son's life all those days in the infirmary has lifted the worry in me. I can leave my son in your hands, I know you will care and love him with everything you can offer, as will he. I don't have any objections either. As the pack leader, I am not afraid of the future if it is in your hands."

Seokjin could feel his eyes sting, their words struck him greatly. And only then did he realize he was being accepted, he was being given the green light to mate the next pack leader. When he turned to look at his parents he could see his omega father crying silently.

"It is a great honor for us, thank you for accepting our son. I was afraid of such a future for him, leading the pack and taking on such great responsibility. But hearing your words, I know that he will be learning greatly from the both of you. I am no longer afraid to let him go." his father turns to them, "All I ask is for Namjoon to love and cherish him always."

Namjoon nodded, "I will. I will spend the rest of my life giving him everything I have to offer and more. For me, it will always be Seokjin. Thank you for your blessings."

Seokjin swallowed back the cry he was ready to let out and wiped away the unshed tears. He didn't think this would be as emotional as it had gotten in the span of a few minutes. He looked up, eyes glancing at everyone, "I will try my hardest to fulfill my role as his mate. I will love him a lot, and will lead by his side through everything the future brings."

The elders clapped two times before standing up and rolling a few colorful pebbles on the table. Seokjin didn't quite know what was happening, but a relieved sigh from Namjoon's mother set him at ease.

Only one elder stayed on his feet, "These rocks, precious rocks from our ancestors tell time. Give fruitful fortune and blessed predictions. The fateful day of your mating is on the night of the winter solstice. When the full moon is high in the air, and the blessing of our ancestors are among us. We shall celebrate your bond that night and hold your ceremony when the moon is peaking over the horizon."

Namjoon's mother clapped gleefully, standing from her seat and rushing towards him. She didn't warm them as she hugged them, her words bouncing around the room in excitement. Namjoon laughed, asking her to calm down but she ignored him. Seokjin could see his own omega father now, his eyes shining as bright as hers as they discussed the preparations that needed to start as soon as possible. 

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