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The shadowed figure moved slowly as if it was contemplating walking in or not. Broad shoulders rising from the deep breaths they were taking. Seokjin stood up, holding his coat tighter around himself as a barrier of some sort. The figure took a careful step forward, before finally walking through the water to stand before him. The water spilled around the entrance of the cave, glistening down the face of the alpha. Seokjin's eyes widened, features twisted in confusion as he looked into Wooyoung's eyes. There was a cocky smirk settled on his lips, eyes raking over him as he let his eyes scan over him slowly. He could hear himself breathing raggedly, chest tight from the fear seeping into his bones.

"I wish you'd look more excited to see me, omega."

Seokjin narrowed his eyes on him, expression forming with fear. There was something about the way he was eyeing him that made him uncomfortable. He took a step backwards, trying to put as much distance between them as he could. It wasn't of much use, the wall of the cave was already pressed against his back after a few more steps. Wooyoung took another step towards him, a wicked smile taunting him as he looked down at him. He wasn't a coward, but being in such a place with an alpha he wanted nothing to do with any longer made his insides twist. It was only then that he noticed the handkerchief in his hand, fingers smeared with blood. Almost instantly the smell was much clearer, and he recognized it as Namjoon's. A wave of shock swept through him at the mere thought of him being in danger. But he couldn't do or say anything, before he knew it, Wooyoung was being pulled back. He disappeared through the waterfall, a loud splash following after.

Seokjin managed to get his body to work, taking careful steps out and hurrying down the rocky path behind the waterfall. Namjoon growled loudly, dragging Wooyoung out of the water by the hair. A long cut across his shoulder was beading new drops of blood. It looked like it was made from a claw, and thinking back to Wooyoung's smeared blooded hand. He realized then that he probably followed Namjoon, and attacked him before he was able to get to him. A painful yelp snapped him back to the fight happening in front of him. Namjoon towered over the other alpha, hand fisted and inches away from his face. He hurried to him, hugging him from behind and shaking his head. He knew how many problems could start if they were to fight during such a night. Wooyoung's father would cut off their treaty and even start a war with them. Namjoon's eyes widened, his other hand letting go of Wooyoung's hair and turning fully to him.

Namjoon pulled him against his chest, hugging him tightly. When he pulled away he looked over him, making sure not a hair was out of place. Seokjin couldn't help but smile, but it didn't last long when he saw how much blood was seeping out of the deep cut. He whined, frowning as he touched the area around it with the tips of his fingers. Namjoon tried holding it back, but a low groan escaped his lips from the pain that was pumping down his shoulder and chest from his mere touch.

"We need to get you to the infirmary. It should be treated quickly to avoid an infection."

He didn't wait for an answer, taking hold of Namjoon's hand and pulling him away. Wooyoung glared after them but not daring to follow them. If he were to return with them, it would make him look like a joke. A total loser for not getting to the omega before anyone else. His father would look down on him, and even if he did try to cheat, it backfired. There were consequences to cheating, and it would make him look weak and desperate. All he could do now was wait, return before dawn when there wouldn't be much of an audience to see him.

"Are you okay? You must have been scared." Namjoon whispered as they walked.

"I thought it was you, but when I saw him, I didn't know what to do."

Namjoon stopped walking, pulling him close to hug him once again. This time he leaned down, pressing a kiss against his temple before searching for his lips. Seokjin closed his eyes when they kissed, wrapping his arms around the alphas waist tightly. They shared a few kisses, holding each other tightly, their scents mingling around them with hints of comfort.

The walk back was no longer tense, both of them feeling much better. Their hands were clasped together, fingers intertwined tightly. When they finally got back to their small village, there were people waiting around. The torches lit the middle of the square where everyone was waiting. As soon as they came into view people gasped, eyes widening when they saw their pack alphas son injured and leaving a trail of blood behind him. The pack alpha rushed to him, looking over his wound before shouting for the healers to prepare the infirmary for him. It wasn't long before people were crowding around them, asking so many questions it was starting to not make sense. Seokjin was having a hard time understanding their words from how loud everyone was talking, he could already feel his head throbbing from the amount of stress he was beginning to feel.

"Please. There's nothing that needs to be said or known. Excuse us." Namjoon spoke out, loud and firm.

Every word died at the tips of their tongues. Everyone standing around them began to step away, letting them through as they made their way through. He couldn't help but cling onto Namjoon, holding his hand tighter and hiding behind him as they walked through the crowd of people eyeing them. A few gasps pulled the attention elsewhere and away from them. Seokjin looked behind them, watching as Wooyoung limped forward, sporting a new bruise on his eye. As soon as he caught his eye the alpha stopped walking, glaring between him and Namjoon. The two alphas glared at each other, eyes narrowed and glazed with danger. He felt the way Namjoon pulled him closer, shielding him slightly from the other.

The tension once again spread like wildfire, making everyone look between them. Almost as if they were waiting for a fight to break out between them. But Namjoons father stepped in the middle. Standing firm and tall, setting his authority. It took mere seconds before Namjoon snapped out of it and gave a slight nod to his father. Without a word he pulled him along, walking swiftly through their pack members until they found their way into the infirmary. When the door closed behind them, it was obvious how they both physically relaxed.

"The message was clear for everyone. They're going to expect a big fight at the end of all this. Please be careful from now on, I don't want you alone with him for even a second."

Seokjin dumbly stared at him, his mind going elsewhere about where the future was heading. He noticed the alpha staring, waiting for an answer so he nodded. Hugging onto him until the healer ushered him aside to work on the Namjoons shoulder.

Namjoon was right about one thing. When the final test comes, everyone will be expecting a bloody fight. A fight between life or death. And the thought of losing Namjoon didn't settle well with him at all.


Also, here's my kofi link! In case anyone wants to hit me with a cup of coffee :) /

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