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"Please be careful."

Namjoon smiled dumbly, loving the attention Seokjin was giving him in front of their pack. There were prying eyes on them, watching the omega pout at him and touch him any time he could. It made him preen, loving the way the omegas fingertips lingered down his arms and down the expanse of his chest. It was obvious the two had become closer, always together, always touching. Wooyoung had gradually kept his distance, but his eyes were still determined. The loud sound of a horn got the attention of everyone waiting, the sun was barely peeking through the trees. The rising sun pulled excited howls from alphas, and excited gasps from the omegas. Seokjin pulled him down, nuzzling his cheek against his own. The sweetness of his scent wrapped around him, his wolf preening in delight. They pulled away, the horn blaring through the air once more to signal the final call for all alphas. Namjoon smiled, leaning down to plant a feather light kiss against the omegas forehead before walking off. The elders stood before them, eyes scanning the crowd as they waited for the final few to pull forward.

"Today will be the second test for this mating season, the most important for many of you. As an alpha you must show your will to provide for your omega. Every alpha will go on a hunt, they will have until the next sunrise to return. Once you have returned, you must present your hunt, your offering to the omega you are courting. If the omega takes a liking to your fur, then you have gained their favor, a slight advantage for the final test to come. Any alpha who fails to return before the next sunrise will no longer be able to participate in the final test. Now, prepare yourself, at the sound of the horn you are free to leave."

Namjoon rolled his shoulders, cracking his neck as he prepared himself. His wolf was growling, teeth baring at the thought of hunting the best animal for its fur. He took one last look behind him, giving Seokjin a reassuring nod before the sound of the horn broke through the air. Without any second to spare everyone ran, shifting as soon as they passed through the trees. Namjoon growled, his paws sturdy against the earth as he ran. He was trying to figure out what would be the best fur he could offer his omega.

He trudged to a slow stop, sniffing out the air and perking up his ears. There wasn't anything he found appealing, nothing that seemed perfect. He wondered how his own father did it. His mother always proudly boasted about the rare deer he had hunted and presented to her. His father had nicely made it into a blanket, which she used for her nest. He was born on that same fur, and he remembers how soft and well made it was. He too wanted to present something that would hold a special meaning to Seokjin. He hoped the omega would be pleased enough to use it on his nest.

Another wolf from his pack ran past him, chasing a squealing wild boar. Their fur wasn't the nicest, but it was warm enough to use for sturdy winter boots. He turned his focus back on the forest, trudging up the river trying to find an interesting trail he could follow. The waterfall came into view, his wolf growling at the memory of what happened there before. His ears perked up, a low growl catching attention.

At the top of the waterfall was a giant black bear, trying to catch fish jumping through the waters and into the river below. Namjoon took a step back, it would be dangerous to engage in a fight with a bear all alone. There had been times when other alphas had run into bears during patrol. It wasn't always good, the few that didn't manage to get away always returned with deep wounds. The bear growled once more, in that instant catching a fish with his mouth and retreating.

Namjoon huffed, eyes widening when an elk walked towards the water across from him. It was big, it's fur thick and golden brown. If he could find another one, then he'd have enough to make a decent sized quilt. He was preparing to pounce, baring his teeth but he stopped short when another wolf jumped from behind the trees and bit gently but hard enough to kill the animal. He growled in defeat, stalking off so the other alpha wouldn't smell his disappointment.

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