Protect (Meeting)

518 19 9

1017 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written October 6 2020
Posted November 1 2020

Kid's breaths heaved as he laid on the rocks, clothing plastered to him from the seawater. His breathing was loud, too loud, but he didn't have the strength to care at the moment. The thief wanted more air, it felt like he wasn't getting enough, lungs not working as they should, they burned.

He suddenly convulsed, body moving involuntarily as more water spewed from his lips. By the time his body began to cooperate with him, his energy had been drained. Indigos fluttered, fighting against his exhaustion, he couldn't fall asleep yet. He'd freeze... But he was so tired... At least it wasn't as hard to breathe anymore.

"Oi Kid!" Shinichi's voice was a mixture of both a whisper and a hissed yell. The sleuth immediately ran to the thief's side, landing harshly on his knees. Chilled hands frantically went for the other's wrist, shoulder's relaxing at the steady pulse he found. Azure scanned Kid's form critically, searching for any damage. The other's raspy breaths were worrying, but at least it would be easy to tell if he stopped breathing and needed help "You complete idiot" His words were almost a snarl. What moron would jump off a moving boat in the middle of winter, at night?!

The sleuth hadn't actually attended that night's heist, but he'd been in the area to finish up a case. He'd seen the other's white silhouette, hit the water.

Now that Shinichi knew that the thief was in fact, not dead, he needed to get the guy out of here before the Kaitou Kid task force arrived. Azure narrowed in thought, Kid's secret identity was basically null and void to him at this point. It was kinda hard not to see the other's face without his hat or monocle to hide it.

He bit his lip, should he let the other know that he knew, or should he just drag him to safety and leave him there? Kid would probably chalk up the cause of him not remembering how he got there to exhaustion. Yes, Shinichi nodded to himself, that seemed like a good idea. The guy already had enough stress as it was if the snipers were any indicator, if he brought him to Ai, the guy would probably freak out and hurt himself trying to get away.

Mind made up, Shinichi removed Kid's white clothing, changing him into some spare clothes he'd found in the other's pockets. He then pocketed what was most likely that night's heist target, a pretty white diamond. It'd be returned later, but he couldn't leave anything incriminating on him.

Shinichi had just finished disposing of everything Kid related besides the jewel when he heard rapid footsteps "Hakuba..." He froze in his spot beside the undisguised thief "What are you doing here?" Azure flitted around until he spot a conveniently broken fence. He began to formulate a story.

Saguru was silent for a few moments as he took in the sight of Shinichi and his classmate, the latter looking unwell "I was searching for Kid" His heart rate sped up, this wasn't good. Had Kaito managed to change before the other had found him? Or was the sleuth planning to blackmail him? He motioned towards his friend "What happened to him?" He didn't miss the way the other had stiffened a bit as he approached.

"I think something startled him, I watched him fall through the fence" Shinichi pointed towards said fence "The cold water must have shocked him, by the time I caught up, he wasn't conscious"

"I see" So Shinichi wasn't planning on giving Kaito away just yet "Kaito's a Kid fan, so watching Kid jump into the water must have been what startled him" How would he react to the knowledge that he knew him?

Shinichi tilted his head "Kaito?" That was an ironic name if he'd ever heard one. He glanced down at the thief now known as Kaito "He's not in danger anymore, could you take care of him since you know him?" At the blond's questioning look, Shinichi grimaced "He might prefer to wake up to a more familiar face" Not one that shouldn't be involved with his non-moonlight persona.

"I'll take him home" Saguru took off his coat "You can leave if you want" It was probably rude of him, but the sleuth made him uneasy. The police would probably trust Shinichi's word over both his own and Kaito's if it came down to it.

The sleuth nodded awkwardly "Can you not tell your friend that I found him? He might feel awkward about a stranger giving him CPR" He lied, it was the only thing he could think of that would seem reasonable.

Gold eyed the other "I understand" Of course he was going to tell Kaito. He was not going to let Kaito go against Shinichi unprepared. The sleuth was being cunning, acting all non-threatening. Saguru had heard stories about the other's intelligence, and refused to underestimate it.

"Okay..." Shinichi paused before bowing "Have a good night" He turned and began to walk away. Silently cursing how odd he must have acted. He also hoped that he'd done the right thing, didn't Saguru work with the task force? His fingers curled around the gem in his pocket, that was fine, he'd destroyed all the evidence of Kaito relating to Kid. Why would the blond doubt him anyways?

Once Saguru was sure that the sleuth had gone away, he bundled Kaito up in his coat. Frowning at the faint warmth coming from the other, the magician was absolutely going to get sick from this "Kaito get up" He tapped the other's cheek a few times, when he didn't stir, Saguru sighed. It was a good thing that he was used to carrying the idiot. He hoisted the magician onto his back "You're going to see hell for that stunt you pulled tonight" He vowed, even though Kaito couldn't hear him.

Dear lord, what were they going to do? The chance that Shinichi now knows that Kaito is Kid was too high to ignore. Saguru bit his lip, he wasn't sure if he'd be able to protect Kaito from someone as skilled as the sleuth.

Me: So both detectives are trying to protect Kaito, from each other~

4 parts written so far~ more to go~

Hope you enjoyed~


Hard candy or chewy candy? Or none? (Excluding chocolate since it's chocolate, not candy)

I don't care much for candy, but when I eat it, I usually just suck on it even if it's a gummy XP so hard of soft candy doesn't matter for me

I don't like chewing if I don't have to, lazy I am

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