Icy Panic (Petty)

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1024 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

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~2k votes~

Written April 20 2020
Posted May 3 2020

My third book to reach 2k votes... >^< so happy

Since he had nothing better to do as he waited for them to arrive, the sleuth pulled out a handkerchief and began to wipe away the blood from around Kid's mouth, or Kaito's. He knew the guy's identity. The cab was a lot warmer than outside so the frozen blood had begun to liquefy, making Shinichi's job easier. He didn't want to scare the inspector with all of the blood. Kaito's injuries just looked a lot worse than they actually were.

The thief was the one he wanted to scare, not the inspector. Azure narrowed when he finished cleaning up the blood, he still couldn't help but feel annoyed at the guy for puking on him. He stuffed the soiled cloth into one of Kaito's pockets before taking out a new one to dab away some of the omit off of his coat. Once the second cloth was soiled, he stuffed it into Kaito's other pocket. He was in a petty mood today.


When they arrived, the sleuth dragged Kaito out of the cab, depositing the guy onto the snowy ground before turning back towards the driver to pay him, using some of the magician's money since it was only fair. He did bring the guy home after all. He then waved goodbye to the driver before dragging Kaito up the driveway towards the inspector's house. He could have probably carried him, but this way was more amusing. Payback for all the times the guy had dumped weird things on him during heists. Shinichi then knocked on the door.

The door opened, revealing the inspector "What do you-" Ginzo paused, blinking at the vomit covered sleuth then turning his gaze towards the unconscious Kaito "The hell?" Why was Kaito laying in a crumpled heap?

Azure gleamed "Kuroba-kun is fine" He assured, noting the concern in the other's expression "He just slipped on some ice and now has a mild concussion" Or at least that was his deduction. The way the snow over the ice was disturbed spoke of someone slipping on it.

Ginzo's shoulders slumped "That makes sense" He gave a small nod, Kaito was a klutzy mess when it came to ice. For as agile as the magician usually was, it was all lost once the teen's foot touched ice.


The sleuth let out a weary sigh as he entered the cab, now that he'd dropped Kid off at the inspector's house, which had been kinda fun. He needed to return home before Ai began to worry. She could be too overprotective at times.

The man's daughter had even entered Kid's house to fetch him a new pair of clothes. He plucked at the black jacket that now belonged to him, studying it. It was comfy and suited himself more than it ever would Kid, the thief wasn't getting it back. He'd liked the jacket that Kid had ruined so he'd keep this one instead.

He crossed his arms, a smirk playing on his lips as he imagined the other's reaction to being found out. He'd even left a little note in the guy's phone, having charged it a bit using one of the professor's prototype inventions.


Kaito groaned, god he felt awful. He rolled over, curling up into a ball, cradling his throbbing head in both hands. Gah, why did his head hurt so much?! He wormed further under the blanket, enjoying it's warmth. It was a lot better than the cold. Wait...

The blanket went flying as the magician scrambled out of his bed "Fuck" Shinichi had found him, and helped him. He remembered that, but he didn't remember how he got home. His breath hitched, Shinichi knew who he was. Oh god that was bad! The guy wouldn't arrest him, at least he didn't think so? He cast his room a nervous glance. What if the guy was waiting until he'd found enough evidence? It wasn't like he'd been carrying anything Kid related with him.

Kaito buried his face into his hands, now he'd have two detectives snooping around his personal life! The moment Kid gets hurt at a heist, he was screwed! Shinichi's word was law to the police, so any small coincidence in injuries would be taken seriously.

His youngest dove Tsuki flew over, landing on his shoulder to give his cheek an affectionate nuzzle in an attempt to cheer him up "Thank you" His voice was strained as he gave his beloved dove a few good scratches on her chest. Tsuki preened under the attention, cooing softly.

Now feeling a bit more calm than before, Kaito absently noted that his tongue hurt a lot. Stupid ice, stupid pole. He was gonna get caught by the sleuth all because he slipped on freaking ice. He pulled out his phone to check the news, just in case Shinichi had done something. He blinked, there was a note on his screen.

Hey Kuroba!

You looked really stupid with your tongue stuck to that pole

How did that even happen in the first place?

Anyways I'm keeping your coat since you destroyed mine by puking all over me as thanks for saving your klutzy ass

Oh, and I guess that I won't turn you in

For now

Kudou Shinichi

The magician's face burned with embarrassment, he hadn't thought about the fact that the sleuth had seen him in such a stupid position. He's probably lost a lot of the other's respect. He also didn't know whether he should laugh or be pissed at the situation. What a jerk! What happened to the sympathy that's supposed to be shown towards those who were hurt?

Stupid detective! He reached his hand into his pocket to retrieve the charger he'd bought, his phone was about to die. Though he was pretty sure that it had already been dead when he'd left. He paused, brows furrowing in confusion when he felt something all crusty "Eep!" He promptly flung the crusty cloth away, horrified by the dried blood coating it. Okay, that was not cool. What the hell detective? He couldn't help but grimace when he felt a similar item in his other pocket.

Kaito shivered, disposing both of the soiled cloths. He was going to pay the guy back tenfold at the next heist!

Me: So Shinichi was feeling petty XP This was really fun to write~

Hope you enjoyed~

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