100. Bonus Out of Context

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Since it's a magical number, here's odd phrases from every previous part

None are explicit because that would be mean to exclude some of you

It's just odd, out of context... XP

"Why do you have thirty different packs of condoms?"

"Sorry" - "Couldn't help it" - "Foot fetish, y'know?"

His memory of the previous night was quite detailed. His cheeks dusted a light pink despite himself as he thought about it.

"Well played Keibu"

'Ah yes, Kuroba's weird courting ritual of flipping Nakamori-san's skirt'

"Oh? It seems like you've found out my dirty little secret"

"Get out of here so I can catch you fairly next time"

He'd never thought that Kid would be taken down like this, so easily too.

"That would be a wise choice" - "It's all up to Kuroba-kun's endurance if he's to survive or not"

Maybe Kid wasn't the only one with a bleeding heart.

"Not tonight" - "Don't let your hormones cheapen your value"

"He wouldn't be who he is if he didn't fight"

"Um... The antidote wore off while me and Shin-Chan were having sex"

"Ewww! I don't want the Brit and manly girl to be worried about me!"

It wasn't like the two could see each other outside of a heist after all.

"I'm not paid enough to deal with Kid when he's high on fumes"

"Just because you're a good magician, doesn't mean that you can't get hurt with all the crazy stunts you pull" - "Magicians are known to get hurt all the time"

"You know Kuroba-kun, this would have been an easy way to dispose of you"

"I'll get us out of here Tantei-Kun..."

"They're bitter since it's supposed to be a punishment towards me for being reckless enough to need them"

"I'll be as gentle as I can" - "I won't look at your face either"

Then it would be bye bye Kaito as he succumbed to a watery death where evil finny things would consume his remains.

"Problem? I don't have a problem with you" He squeaked

"I got mistaken as Shinichi so I got kidnapped by division one for the day"

"Oh my" - "What are you two doing?"

"You" - "You've been trying to befriend me?" - "I'm sorry" - "I do believe that you're Kid" - "But I will refrain from voicing my opinion in public"

"What I'm saying is that if I can't get you to stop, then I want to at least make sure that you won't die"

"You're not as bad as Heiji, but trouble still becomes worse when there's more than one of you guys together"

No, bad Kaito! Don't even think about fraternizing with the enemy!

"You mister" - "Are going to regret making things so difficult"

"Why would I go to work when you clearly shouldn't be left alone?" - "I have enough days off stocked up to do whatever I want" He smiled "And right now I want to keep you safe"

"I never really liked you Kuroba" - "But I respected your intelligence and resilience" - "It's a shame to see you leave so soon"

No?... Ginzo was going to let Aoko die?! Kaito's breath hitched as his breathing sped up. No, he wouldn't allow that, he couldn't. Aoko was the innocent one, not him.

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