Icy Panic (Stuck)

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1011 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

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Idea concept from runaxmeow

Requested April 12 2020
Written April 19 2020
Posted April 26 2020

Kaito shivered, hugging his arms to his chest as he walked through the storm. When he'd set out, he'd been hoping that the snow would hold off at least until he'd returned. Unfortunately the snow squall hit just as he exited the store, new phone charger in hand. His old one had met it's unfortunate end via Aoko, the girl had swung at him with a broom and missed, hitting the charging cord that had been behind him. The poor thing never stood a chance.

Thankfully he'd put on one of his warmer jackets, his hat, and mitts before he'd left since it had already been freezing out. Indigos closed most of the way, making it so that he was peering through his lashes. The wind was strong, and had a biting chill, so it hurt to keep them open all of the way. Thankfully he didn't really need his vision to make his way home safely.

So on he trudged, making his way home in a snowstorm after dark, everything was going fine, if he ignored his shivering of course. Everything was fine, until it wasn't. His left foot made contact with one of his greatest weaknesses. The magician let out a startled yelp, arms flailing as he scrambled and fell, face planting into the ground. A patch of ice had been hidden beneath a thin sheet of snow. Kaito momentarily blacked out from the impact.

The magician woke shortly after to a numbing cold, indigos fluttered open as he laid there for a moment, feeling dazed. He then shifted to get up, only to pause when he felt a stinging pain on his tongue. He blinked, vision coming into focus only for him to sigh. His tongue was stuck to a metal pole. How did that even happen?! Did he stick his tongue out in his daze? His lips were burning a bit as well, feeling raw, had they touched the pole too? Kaito grimaced, thankful that he'd unknowingly removed his lips before they could have truly gotten stuck.

Now how was he going to get free? He shifted so that he was kneeling on the ground, head sideways and lowered towards the ground. His head was pounding, making it hard to think. Some of the snow where his head had been was also red, that was bad right? Fear began to rush through him, was he stuck here? His phone was dead, and he was in a side alley at night. Would his tongue be ripped off if he pulled too hard?! He was trembling from both the fear and the cold. Wouldn't he die if he lost his tongue? Wouldn't he bleed too much before he got help? His breathing began to speed up a bit, the cold making the wetness of his eyes sting. He didn't know what to do, he was stuck, and it was cold. So cold.


Shinichi sighed as he shuffled through the snow, he'd been dragged all the way to Edoka to solve a murder. It had been quite easy to solve, making him wonder if the police were just getting lazy. He checked the map on his phone before ducking into a side street then an alley since it was noted as a shortcut to the station.

The sleuth continued to take side alleys and streets until he came across a scene that made him pause in confusion. A male was crouched down next to a pole, his tongue obviously stuck. Azure narrowed when he noted the frozen blood that caked the whole side of their face. He let out a small curse as he swiftly ran over and knelt next to the male "It's okay" He breathed, trying to calm the panicked male. The head injury probably wasn't helping either.

His coffee was no longer scorching hot, but it also wasn't too cold, so he held the warm cup against the point of contact between tongue and pole. He couldn't help but inwardly wince at the frozen blood around the male's mouth, the poor guy must have been here for a while.

Slowly, ever so slowly, the male pulled back, sitting back on his knees as he blinked dumbly at the sleuth.

Shinichi cursed when he checked the other's eyes, the guy had a concussion "Oi, what's your name?"

Kaito blinked once more "I'm not telling you Meitantei" His words were slow, tongue numb. Why was the detective even asking for his name? Wait... Oh shit.

The sleuth watched the other pale even more than before, why would he? Wait... "Kid?" There was no way that this guy was Kid, absolutely no way. But, Shinichi bit his lip, the guy did kinda look like him.

The magician stumbled to get up, only to fall due to how stiff his limbs were. When another impact didn't come, Kaito opened his eyes to be met with concerned Azure. Shinichi had stopped him from falling.

"You idiot" Shinichi seethed, didn't Kid trust him enough to not bolt on sight? There wasn't a heist scheduled so the thief was out of bounds.

Kaito just blinked dumbly, vision doing all sorts of crazy stunts before he heaved and promptly passed out.

Shinichi had to fight his own urge to be sick, being vomited on was not pleasant. Oh god he felt disgusting. Spitefully, the sleuth dug for the other's wallet, glancing at the ID with satisfaction. He may not try to arrest him tonight, but he'd make the guy sweat a bit. He snorted when he saw the address, that was right next to Nakamori-Keibu wasn't it? Knowing Kid, they must be acquaintances. The jerk was probably too weird to resist the temptation of hanging around the inspector as himself.


The cab driver raised a curious brow as Shinichi dragged the other into the back of the cab "He's fine, just had a bad fall" The sleuth assured as he settled himself in beside the thief after doing up the other's seat belt. He then gave out the inspector's address as their destination.

Me: Kaito is not having a good day~

Oh and he's not hurt that bad, he's fine XD

It just seems bad

Hope you enjoyed~

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