Soccer Ball (Accident)

580 25 24

1012 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

~Yay 80K Words~

Written July 5 2020
Posted August 2 2020

Shinichi smirked, satisfaction hitting him as he chased Kid across the roof. The heist had gone well in his opinion, especially since he'd managed to stop the sneaky guy from taking tonight's gem. Kid snuck a backwards glance at the sleuth before hopping off the roof, glider opening and catching the wind with ease.

So Kid wasn't going to hang around for their usual banter? Azure gleamed, well that was fine. Shinichi released a soccer ball from his belt, immediately sending the ball after the thief with a swift kick. He wasn't wearing the power shoes that he'd used when he'd been Conan, but that didn't mean that the kick wasn't ridiculously strong.

The sleuth blinked, gawking when instead of dodging like he usually did, the thief actually got hit. Shinichi stared in numb silence as the thief's glider faltered, sending the other tumbling out of the air. The sleuth heard a curse behind him, making him turn just in time to see Saguru retreating down the stairs. After a moment, Shinichi followed after him "He should be okay right?" He inquired as he caught up to the other, an uneasy feeling curling in his gut. The museum had been around 5 stories tall, not to mention that there had been trees to break the thief's fall.

Saguru pursed his lips, noting the genuine concern exuding from the other "I would hope so" His friend was quite good at falling safely, but that didn't mean that he still couldn't worry for the guy.

When they made it to the estimated crash area, the two detectives began to look for any signs of Kid's escape, but so far they'd found none, which would be normal in most circumstances "We should expand the search area" Shinichi breathed after a half hour of searching, the blond nodded in agreement.

Around another half hour after that, the sleuth spotted signs of a tumble, broken branches were everywhere "Over here!" He whisper yelled at the other detective before following the trail of broken branches. He immediately heard the other start making his way over. There was a concerning amount of blood.

"That idiot!" Saguru cursed, visibly distressed at the sight of the blood "He should know by now that he should patch himself up first" It wasn't like there were any Crows at the heist, and his friend knew that he was attending. He could have asked for help.

"I'm sorry" Shinichi grimaced "I didn't think that I'd actually hit him"

The blond's shoulder's sagged a bit "It's fine" His friend was well aware that the sleuth often kicked soccer balls at him, especially since Kaito whined about it all the time. Saguru opened his mouth to say something else before a flash of white caught his eye "Kid!" He hissed, alarmed at the sight of the thief crumpled on the ground. He ran over, checking the other's vitals, gold burning when he felt no pulse "He's dead" His words were hollow as he gently brushed some hair out of his friend's face. The left side of his forehead was caked in blood, bone visible. Saguru lowered his gaze, Kaito hadn't died right away, he'd suffered since the body was still quite warm.

"What?!" Shinichi was kneeling next to Saguru, azure wide with horror after checking Kid's pulse for himself.

The sound of the sleuth's breath hitching brought Saguru's teary gaze away from Kaito. Shinichi was chalk while, and looked like he was going into shock, he grit his teeth "Oi" Shinichi jolted as if struck, gaze clearing a bit "You're going to help me fake his death" He forced his feelings away, he'd deal with them later.

Shinichi was silent for a few moments before slowly nodding, mind whirling "The shooters will go after his family won't they?" His words were scratchy "I'll help" His breath stuttered "It's the least I can do" For killing him, even if he wasn't the one to physically do it. He lowered his head "But then how can I pay for my crime if we cover my crime up?"

Saguru sighed, feeling exhausted "Your intent wasn't malicious" Kaito was actually quite fond of the sleuth and enjoyed their games "You'd do more good free than behind bars" He glanced down at Kaito's chest, still, unmoving "Kaito wouldn't want you to go to jail for this"

The sleuth blinked, azure turning towards the thief's face "His name was Kaito?" He gave a sad smile "What an ironic name" A Kaitou named Kaito "It suits him"


Shinichi felt like he was going to throw up when he finally returned back home. He and Saguru had framed Kaito's death to be that of a random killing drop off, having removed the magician's clothes for non-incriminating ones, tearing and bloodying them to match his injuries before dropping of the body into a random ally, one that wasn't too deserted to make sure that Kaito would be found. It had been so horrifyingly easy to do, at least physically.

It felt wrong that he wasn't going to be punished, didn't he always say that people should atone for their crimes? Shinichi shakily crawled beneath the blankets. He was going to call in sick today, he didn't think he'd be able to handle it if he had to work on the magician's murder. He'd speak to Saguru later to find a way to protect Kaito's family from suspicion. He hadn't done so earlier since he'd figured that the blond needed to be alone, the guy looked to be at his limit in keeping calm.


Saguru wiped the tears from his eyes for what felt like the hundredth time since he'd returned home. Kaito was gone, one of his first proper friends had died, and he couldn't even go after the person at fault! Of all things he'd been prepared for, sniping, assassination, stabbing, he hadn't prepared himself of the possibility of it being accidental.

Tonight should have been a simple heist since the Crows hadn't been expected to arrive for such a small heist. He hadn't had the chance to steel himself since there'd been no need to, or so he'd thought.

Me: I made Shinichi kill Kaito~ got the idea from a convo with TheHumanLibrary101 and Yose55Hyuann

And no, they did not request this •~• ... they actually told me not to do it

It was quite fun to write~ Hope you enjoyed~

... angsty chappys up ahead ^-^ Nyahaha 3 parts so far, gonna be 4 soon, maybe more...

>~< it's not yet complete

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