Unexpected (End)

655 61 28

1008 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no do with zee owning of MK/DC~

Continuation asked for by @TheHumanLibrary101

Requested November 17 2019
Written November 20 2019
Posted November 24 2019

When they entered Kaito's room, Aoko let out a small cry as she rushed over to the magician's side. Ginzo grimaced as he followed after his daughter, Kaito looked so unlike himself. He was pale from gross blood loss, and he was just so still. Kaito wasn't supposed to be still, he was supposed to be running around on limitless energy, most likely fuelled by chocolate. He clenched his fists, how many times had this happened, and he hadn't been able to be by Kaito's side? Kaito was Kid, and Kid had so many enemies that wanted him dead. This was the second time that the teen had taken a bullet for him, that he knew of. How many times had he been shot behind the scenes?

"Dad..." He glanced over at his daughter, tears were streaming down her face. Both hands were holding the Kaito's left hand, the one that wasn't connected to an IV and a blood bag.

His gaze softened as he moved over to wrap his arms around her "Kaito-kun will be okay" He assured, believing his own words. The crazy magician was tougher than most adults, not many people could taunt men with guns like Kaito did.

Aoko bit her lip, glancing at the teen's bandaged shoulder "What if he doesn't heal properly?" She knew that Kaito hated resting whenever he was hurt or sick, what if he refused to rest? And what if his shoulder didn't heal properly due to Kaito's refusal to rest "Won't that affect his magic?" Magic was Kaito's world.

Ginzo glanced over towards Kaito, Aoko did have a point "That won't happen" He huffed, there was no way that Kaito would risk his career as Kid like that. Though the teen was as equally stupid as he was smart "We'll tie him down if we have to" Someone needed to protect Kaito from himself.

His daughter nodded, determination sparking within her gaze "Aoko will not let Bakaito escape until he is better" She'd dangle fish near all windows and doors if she had to! It wouldn't even torment him if he behaved and stayed in bed. It was drastic, but drastic was often required when dealing with the magician.

The inspector couldn't help but grin at that, his daughter was so strong. She was the perfect person to keep Kaito in line "Why don't you go to the cafeteria and bring up some food?" His gaze lingered a bit on Kaito's heart monitor "I'm sure that Kaito would appreciate waking up to something to eat" He was pretty sure there were some chocolate desserts on sale as well.

Aoko hesitated for a moment, looking at Kaito before nodding. She was feeling a lot better about Kaito's health "Okay, Aoko will go" She replied before hurrying off.

Ginzo squinted at the bedridden teen "Stop pretending that you're asleep Kaito-kun" He sighed "The heart monitor changed a bit" He didn't really understand why the crazy magician had pretended to be asleep. He'd only noticed because he'd been glancing at it off and on. The moving wavelengths were very reassuring.

Tired indigos opened, Kaito looked a little dazed "Aoko can be loud" He replied weakly, offering up a small smile.

The inspector scoffed "And you deserve to be scolded by her" Relief filled him that Kaito had woken up faster than expected.

A grimace crossed over the magician's face "Please not yet" He felt so tired and weak, the familiar result of gross blood loss. He wanted to rest a little more before facing Aoko's wrath. Indigos suddenly cleared a bit, the magician's body tensing as his gaze met Ginzo's "You're okay right?" Concern laced his tone. There was a lot of blood on Ginzo's shirt.

Ginzo let out an exasperated breath, that was one of the reasons that he didn't think that he could arrest Kaito. There was no way that the teen was stealing out of ill intent, Kaito was too kind for his own good "No you idiot" There was a faint growl in his tone "You took the bullet, not me" His gaze narrowed "You made sure of that"

The tension in Kaito's body visibly faded at the other's words, his concern was replaced with open relief "I'm glad" He yawned, too weak to cover said yawn.

"Please do better at dodging bullets next time" Ginzo sighed, thinking about Kid. There had been a high increase of bullet shells around heist sites lately.

"You don't work dangerous cases that often" Kaito breathed softly, indigos half lidded. He slowly turned his head over towards the inspector "I'm sure that I'll be fine" He gave a soft smile, it was really hard to stay awake right now, just how much blood had he lost?

"Idiot thief" Ginzo grumbled as Kaito's eyes fluttered to a close, exhaustion easily lulling Kaito back into the depths of sleep. He'd play stupid if it meant that Kaito wouldn't disappear. He had no doubt that the magician would suddenly leave if Ginzo decided to confront him. He leaned over and affectionately ruffled Kaito's hair, the things he did for this idiot "You better heal up quickly" And he better stay healthy for a long time, Ginzo wasn't sure he could handle seeing Kaito shot again so soon.

His decision had already been made before he had even needed to contemplate it, he wasn't going to attempt to find proof of Kaito being Kid. It didn't matter if Kid was an international jewel thief, it was still Kaito beneath that flashy white outfit. It was still Kaito who loved to make others smile and hated seeing others hurt.

Kaito's moonlight persona hadn't really caused any real harm, in fact, he did more good than bad. So he'd feel like a true villain if he ever had to arrest him, and more importantly, Kaito was like a son to him. He might even become one officially if the interactions between him and his daughter are anything to go by.

So he'd play stupid if it meant that Kaito would stay within eyesight, where he could affirm that the teen was alive and well.

Me: Berry borrowed medicine to lower fever to write this, berry hates medicine and normally doesn't even have any even if it was needed~ she feels like weakling for taking medicine...

Hope you enjoyed~

This was kinda hard to write for some reason 0.0

Kaito Oneshots - Magic KaitoOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora