(Cactus) Bad at Self Care, Rewind?

267 16 15

1015 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written February 24 2021
Posted March 7 2021

I wanted more cactus due to CielKuroba so.... Following previous part we go back in time?

Kaito stifled a small yawn as he silently hopped down from the Kudo mansion's fence, having scaled the barrier countless times before. It was a simple thing to bypass that anyone who put in a bit of effort could do, though for him it took absolutely no effort. If he really wanted to, he could just jump it with a fancy flip. He didn't though, because he and Shinichi haven't met publicly yet. Neither of them wanted some passerby to call the cops due to spotting a trespasser, so the magician just stuck to sneaking around in a less flashy manner.

His side twinged a bit, almost making his steps falter. Despite how smoothly he'd landed, the action must have still been too much for his healing body to handle. Annoying. Kaito swiftly checked his side, concluding that he hadn't torn his stitches again before heading further into the property. Judging by the time, Shinichi was either sleeping or in the library. Kaito headed towards the library window. Doors were unoriginal "Shinichi" The magician called softly as he slipped through the library's window, not wanting to startle the other for once.

Shinichi sighed as he lowered the book that he'd been reading "Why are you here again?" He wasn't really all that annoyed despite his words "You bled all over everything the last time you snuck in" Which was only two days ago, Kaito had ruined his stitches with the stunt.

Kaito smiled in response, indigos soft "I am not bleeding this time" He'd checked.

"Good" Relief covered Shinichi's face "Lately there's been blood involved whenever we've seen each other" It was actually starting to worry him, but he'd promised that he wouldn't pry. Not knowing everything was better than not knowing anything. He was content to just have the other rest here instead of somewhere where Kaito may be forced to act as if he were fine.

The magician nodded in understanding "It's not like I want to get hurt" He plopped himself down on the opposite couch, sprawling out on his back "Less overall protection actually protects me better" His agility was what kept him safe most of the time. He'd tried using a bulletproof vest, but it'd hindered his movement too much. Kaito couldn't flex and move in the borderline freakish ways that he normally could when wearing one.

"I know" They'd actually argued about it a few times before, until Kaito had demonstrated just how much the added protection had hindered him. Sure there'd been a lot less blood, but there'd been more overall injuries that included cracked ribs and many many bruises. Shinichi eventually agreed that Kaito Kid was a lot easier to hit with the vest on "Though you're still getting hurt more often recently"

Kaito offered a guilty smile "I may have pissed off a few more people than normal" How could he not? He wanted the shooter to become reckless enough to get caught. Anger was something that made many people more reckless, even he himself wasn't excluded from that fact "They should hopefully cool down or get caught soon" Hopefully. He was kind of getting sick of getting shot, even being grazed hurt a lot. Kaito was many things, but a masochist he was not.

Shinichi scowled, unhappy with the answer "I'm not even all that surprised" He then eyed the other curiously "I want to check how you're healing since you can't be trusted to take care of yourself"

"Pot and kettle" Kaito retorted, shifting to sit up when the other got up from the couch. Denying would just make the sleuth worry about him being more injured than he was "I checked before entering the library" He lifted his shirt and lowered the left bit of his pants a bit to show off the stitches. He'd been forced to crash into a window to prevent himself from getting shot and had landed badly on one of the shards. The resulting cut was on his side that trailed from just under the bottom of his ribs to just below his pant line on his hip. It was guaranteed to scar.

The sleuth eyed the stitches, they seemed very irritated but they hadn't been torn again, which was a relief "You're right that it's not bleeding, but you're really pushing the stitches" Shinichi sighed, giving the injury one last critical look before heading back to the couch, missing the faint flush on Kaito's cheeks "Be more careful"

Kaito smiled "I am, I can't have Hakubastard catching wind of my injury since he heard about the gunshots" The blond detective was so annoying, why couldn't he be more like Shinichi. Shinichi was both a great detective, and someone who could be reasoned with. Though his little stint as Conan may have helped him be more open when it came to crime.

"Ah" Shinichi smirked knowingly "You're here to hide from him then"

"Yeah" The magician admitted "Ahoko is a dear friend, but she's also a horrible one" He'd change his locks if it weren't for how annoying Aoko would become until she received a key or his mom sent her a copy.

"I should have a talk to him about a hypothetical situation again then" Shinichi sighed "He should have already realized that having your friend let him in isn't right"

Kaito frowned "Ahoko would just say that she needs to make sure that I didn't somehow kill myself doing something stupid" He pouted.

"Well..." Azure glinted "You can't blame her" He'd seen Kaito do many questionable things before.

"Oi" Kaito crossed his arms, looking affronted "I take better care of myself than you do mister skips meals and kills cactus"

"My cactus isn't dead!" He'd cared for it since Kaito had gifted it to him.

Kaito pointed to the left where the cactus' dead corpse was resting in the nice pot he'd gifted it with "You killed it with love" The cactus had gotten sunburnt and over watered. By the time he'd looked up what was wrong with the thing it'd been too late "It's been dead for a while" The sad look Shinichi gave him was adorable, but also made him feel bad.

Me: I might do more cactus... hmm maybe going further back in time? The name is horrible though

So... Writing a story backwards... Hmm *mumbles* I somewhat envision 5 key parts in total

The problem is writing the in between o.o

Hope you enjoyed ~

0.0 *eats cheese that expired a month ago* I don't understand expiration dates with some things

Except meats °^° I don't dare tempt fate

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