i. Back To The Beginning

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    "He'll repurpose the I.D.I.S. chip," explained Simmons, checking off her inventory as she looked through her things.

    "Don't need the external receiver for the inner ear comms anymore," said Fitz, holding up the chip with some tweezers in the light.

    Ward frowned, pulling out his comms from his ear as Clara skipped up to him. "So, uh, how does it━?"

    "Open wide!" she cut him off, sticking the swab into his mouth and spreading it along the inside of his bottom lip. Ward recoiled away, but Clara just grinned. "It's an embedded sensory-neural silicone matched to your DNA," she explained, pulling out the swab. "Posh, don't you think?" Agent Ward just stared at her, annoyed. "So, excited to be coming on our journey into mystery?"

    Dryly, he replied, "It's like Christmas."

    "That's the attitude!" Clara winked and set the swab gently on a dish before grabbing the next thing she needed. "I'm going to need to take some blood. Just a prick━!" she grabbed his finger before he could answer and with a device she, Fitz and Simmons made, Clara drew the tiniest bit of blood from Ward and he let out a harsh, "ow!"

    She just grinned. "Thank you!"

    Clara passed over the device to Simmons who took it to the chemical blood analyser, while she started to work on transferring the DNA sample she got on the swab for Fitz. Tires screeched, and they all looked up to watch a brilliant red corvette speed up the ramp and skid to a stop in the cargo hold. Clara let out an excited gasp, seeing the man sitting by the wheel. Close-cropped greying hair, black sunglasses and looking very James Bond-esc, Agent Phil Coulson stepped out of his car and fixed his suit jacket. As he did, Fitz appeared at Ward's shoulder, muttering:

    "One of Coulson's old S.H.I.E.L.D. collectibles. Flame-throwers, world's first GPS. He's mad for this crap."

    A worker came over to strap the car, but Coulson stopped him with a, "Don't touch Lola."

    Fitz giggled, "And he calls it a girl's name━" he gave Ward a slap on the back, which he did not seem very happy about before returning back to work.

    ━━Melinda May frightened Clara Roy. She was short, but fierce━and she was just the pilot! Her black hair shaped her round face, with a stern gaze and little smile. Yes, terrifying. Stuck in the SUV, heading towards the crime scene of the explosion while Coulson and Ward looked at a Rising Tide angle, Fitz-Roy-Simmons were ordered to explore the other angle. There was an Enhanced on the loose, a man who jumped out of a flaming building with such force that he cracked the tar beneath his feet and didn't seem to break a bone. He had saved a woman from her death, so Clara believes that he will not cause them any harm. But it was important they investigated it, just in case. Either way, she was terribly excited━their first mission! Already!

    Fitz glanced at her with an arched brow, seeing her green eyes light up as she looked out of the SUV window, as if seeing a street for the first time. Simmons was squished against her shoulder, looking too, seeing the blackened building looming into view. "You two are way too excited about this. We are going into a burnt building where someone died."

    "Yes, but it's our first mission!" replied Simmons, nudging him. "You should be more excited!"

    He narrowed his gaze, "I think I'm good."

    "Ugh, Fitz," said Clara, "come on━"

    "Are you seriously 'ugh, Fitz'-ing me right now?"

    Jemma held her hands up, "Nope, you two are not doing this right now. I will not listen to you two go on about this."

    "We weren't━" Clara gapped while Fitz frowned, "━what do you mean?"

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