Chapter 22

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Sang POV

I glanced around the room. In one of the corners was a glowering Jade and another girl who was giving me a death stare.

I nudged Nathan beside me. He looked down at me with questioning blue eyes. "What, peanut?"

I pointed in the unknown girl's direction. "Do you know who she is, and why she is trying to burn a hole in my head?"

Nathan looked at the third girl before wincing. "Her name is Danielle. She's a bit obsessed with me."

I raised an eyebrow at him, and he blushed. "Her family are part of the same shifter partners. Her family are griffins, and she wants me to be her mate, but I'm not interested in her."

My eyes were drooping, and I really, really wanted a nap. After the others appeared, there were still ten minutes until class actually began. All of us with the addition of my three new friends sat in the back near the doors. Kota was to my right, and Gabriel was to my left. The others were seated, surrounding Gabriel. Murmurs from in front of me told me that Jay and Rocky had formed a friendship with North, Marc, and Silas, while Wil was talking to Corey, Victor, and a flirty Raven.

I yawned again, and my head drooped. Kota chuckled before gently guiding my head to his shoulder. I mmd a thank you, and the scent of his spicy cologne made me want to snuggle into him.

He smells nice, Amara purred in content. Let's steal his cologne.

I huffed before rolling my eyes. That's one thing that I noticed about Amara. She loves to hoard anything she likes. I sighed, shifting my position to become more comfortable.

"Sang, do you trust me?" Kota whispered.

I opened one of my eyes to peek at him. I didn't see anything that would harm me so I nodded. Shock went through myself and Amara as Kota wrapped his arms around my legs and lifted them so they were across his lap. Then he supported my back with his arm, encouraging me to nestle my head against his neck. I sighed in content before resting against Kota.

"Aww, she's so cute. I can't believe that she's a bat," Wil whispered.

Victor spoke softly. "I know. All of us believed she was something different, but she transformed. I've been wondering, but what shifter are you? I know the others, but I can't quite figure you out."

Wil hesitated. "I'm a pixie."

"Pixie?" Luke piped up from his position next to Gabriel. "You're species are cousins to the fae."

Wil was still hesitant to speak. "Yeah. There are not many of us since the Fae Cause."

"Fae Cause?" I asked, opening my eyes to look at the others who had a sad look in their eyes.

"The Fae Cause started several decades ago because of the fear against dark fae, but it was actually started by those who were jealous of their abilities. They decided to kill any dark fae they came across." Luke spoke with an expressionless face but his eyes burned with anger.

I looked at Wil. "Then why would they hunt pixies?"

"Many of the pixie use the dark element. It's only a speck compared to what the dark fae can do, but we were feared as much as the dark fae so we were hunted." Wil sounded pained. "My sister Kayli was killed during an attack."

"Oh," I whispered. I looked at Kevin who's dark eyes met mine. "They why didn't they go after reapers?"

Kevin gave me his usual smile. "Grim reapers don't use dark magic, Firefly. We use death which is entirely different."

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