Chapter 26 meeting the furious five pt 2

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  Sorry everybody this took so long. Lots of personal things as well as work have been keeping me busy. Hope this makes up for it. Enjoy

 "Fire!" said Shen with a smile and wide eyes. Boss Wolf lit the fuse of the canon with a smile. Christine's heart sank when he gave the order but perked back up when it didn't go off.Shen laughed as he expected them to be blown through the open spaces behind them but stopped when nothing happened. "Well? Light that.... thing!" Shen yelled.  "Uh, I did." Boss Wolf replied lighting the fuse again only to have it go out again. He tried lighting it again and again only to have Mantis put it out each time. Mantis kicked Boss Wolf, grabbed the lighter.

"Fear the bug!"

    Shen looked over to the small cage to find a decoy inside. "Ha ha!" Po laughed as his plan worked.  Shen looked at them stunned as Viper finished picking the lock and freed Tigress. Christine watched with a smile as Tigress broke the bonds of the rest. "Get the weapon!" Po called. Crane spun around sending a gorilla into a nearby wall and Wugu into Boss Wolf.


Tigress leapt off his back and onto the front of the canon sending it high into the air making Shen stagger backward. Mantis then kicked the canon sending it crashing through the floor and careening to the ground below. Po went after Shen who stumbled down the stairs. He leapt forward and landed on top of Shen in an attempt to pin him.

" Lord Shen! ".

" LIAN NO! ". Christine attempted to follow but was held back by the arms of the furious five. " LET GO OF ME! "

Lian ran down the stairs to Shen and started attacking the panda, she kicked him hard in the crotch then did a number of kicks in center of his stomach. " Ow! Ow! Stop it! OW! Who's kid is this?! ". He grabbed the cub by the foot, dangling her away from his face as she attempts to blind him with her claws. " Easy there kid Im just doing my job ".  Shen got up, saw Po, and kicked him hard into the stairs nearly destroying them.  Catching Lian as she fell. Po groans, holding the back of his head as he gets up. Seeing this Shen, still holding Lian, got out his sword and pread his train of feathers in a response to the attack. Distracting Po when he saw his red markings on his tail feathers.

The five cheered as the weapon crashed into the ground. Tigress turned to find Po frozen in place."You- you were there..." Po said looking at Shen.  "Yes, yes I was," he smiled before taking Lian and putting her on his back . " Hold on!". He jumping out of the tower then gliding toward the fireworks factory with the cub holding tight. A gorilla took the Soothsayer and hurried after him. Po and the five rushed to the balcony and watched as Shen glided further away.

"You just let Shen get away!" Tigress said angrily.  "At least we destroyed the weapon," Mantis said trying to make things not seem like a total loss. Christine came up behind them as they looked out toward the factory. " Where's Lian?!". Viper pointed at the factory and the mother felt some relief.

  When Shen landed at the top of the factory, he turned to face the tower. "Fire!". Three canons fired at the tower.  "Oh, no he's got waay more," Mantis corrected as three glowing shpere's flew toward them.   Three whistling projectiles whizzed put from behind them making the spheres explode before hitting the tower. They all turned to see Christine standing behind them. "It's not safe here," She said. "If you want to live, go now."

    "But--" Po started still confused.

    "My reasons for staying are my own. Now go! Before it's too late."

    "Thank you, master," Po replied bowing respectfully. She bowed back and smiled. "I'll hold them off for as long as I can, but I have just so many kunai and throwing stars so you'll have to hurry". Just as they were about to leave the window, three more canon balls were fired and hit the tower sending Po and the five flying. Christine quickly raised her arms to protect her face and flew back a few feet. When the smoke cleared, she turned to see if the others were alright. Where the others flew back, she flew sideways just missing a pillar. She became a little worried when she saw the amount of damage.

    "My wing!" Crane said lifting up his damaged wing. Christine wanted to go over and help but she had to make sure no more canon balls hit. She stood guard by the gaping hole.

    "Help, Po!" Tigress called.  "Coming!" Po called back running toward the five. Bright flashes from a few hits blinded him causing him to loose his balance and stagger backward toward the large hole the canon had gone through moments earlier."Watch out!" Tigress said reaching out toward Po. "Po!" Viper said worried as he toppled over the edge. Viper dashed toward him and wrapped around his leg stopping him from plummeting. "Whoa," Po said as he came to a stop. "Wow!" he exclaimed looking at how far the drop he nearly took was.  "Help me up," Viper said struggling to keep him from falling as Mantis came over to help.  "No," Tigress said. "Get him down. Use the ropes."

    Viper carefully swung Po over to the ropes and Tigress followed holding Crane. Floor by floor they made their way down and Christine turned her attention outside.   Rather than start throwing her own kunai and stars, Christine used shrapnel from the canon balls scattered around the room. Her precise aim his most of them, but as Shen aimed them lower, more were hitting the building.   The five had made it to the bottom but a canon ball hit the crown of the main door way causing it to collapse and trap them inside. Tigress went out through a window and devised a plan: they were going to use the building to escape over the wall.

When the building began to sway, Christine knew she didn't have long before she herself had to leave. "I hope they got out," she said returning focus on her task.

 Shen smiled as his canon hit the tower. "Run, run, little panda," he said with wide eyes. He was a little upset some of the projectiles exploded before impact but whenever they hit, he smiled maniacally.He soon turned his aim lower on the tower attacking the base. "Bring it down!" he yelled pointing at the base. When the crown of the main door collapsed, Lian smiled and chuckled. "Good-bye," she said with a mock wave as the tower began to sway. "Look at your precious masters," he said turning to his side. "They can't even get out of the...tower..." He looked to find Christine no where around. "Where's Christine?" he asked a little worried.  Lian noticed as well. She looked around. "Where's Mommy!?" she yelled when no one answered.

    "I think she's still inside," Wugu said timidly. "What!?" Lian looked to Shen. The peacock whirled around and looked at the tower as it started to topple over.  He thought his heart stopped. "Where are they going?" he wondered aloud as he saw the five climbing the outside of the tower. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a green dot fall from the top of the tower but didn't think much of it. When the tower had completely fallen, Shen kicked a gorilla in frustration when the five and Po got away. "You idiot!" he yelled as he kicked the gorilla before storming off leaving the gorilla rubbing his nose. He dropped down the latter to a floor below. "Call in the wolves, all of them," he ordered Boss Wolf. "I want them ready to move. The year of the peacock begins now!"

    "Right now?" Boss Wolf asked. Shen slowly turned around to face him. "Because it's the middle of the year. So you'd only get like half a year of the peacock." Boss Wolf took half a step back when Shen pulled out a knife. "And, this is, of course, the year of the peacock. Happy New Year sir."

    Shen stared wide eyed at Boss Wolf. "Get the wolves ready. We're loading the ships now. NOW! Now, now, now, now!".   Boss Wolf hurried out of  Shen's presence to call in the wolves as Shen's anger turned to worry. Christine still hadn't shown up and he was beginning to think the worst. Lian came to his side. " Is mommy okay? ". He looked at her. Not knowing what to say.  With wide sad eyes, she started crying and hugged his waist. Tears and snot staining his rob. " I want my mommy".  At first he didn't know what to do and froze. Making sure nobody was around he drapped a wing over her.

" There there. It's alright. Shhh" he coos. Getting to his knees he brought her in close and patted her back. " We'll find her ".

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