Chapter 15 A small complement, goes a long way

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  They continued for a few hours down the winding path. Some places were slick with ice so they had to tred carefully. Shen was upset because these 'minor set backs' cost him valuable travel time. He was patient though because of what was inside his wooden box. Eventually, the path became smooth and level. They went a little further before christine began to slow down. Her ears were fixed forward. "Do you hear that?" she asked. The wolves slowed down to listen too. christine's ears began to twitch as she looked forward intently.Shen came out of his carriage with Lian wondering why they had stopped again. "What's going on?" he asked irritated."Can't you hear that?" christine asked, eyes open wide and staring forward.Shen paused for a moment and listened. "Hear what?" he asked.

" I hear it too" lian added. "Can it be?" christine asked as her face lit up. Suddenly she jumped on the top of Shen's carriage and ran ahead of everyone. lian's face lit up as well and took off running with her mother.Shen became alarmed as they bounded for the front. "Stop!" he cried before turning toward his wolves. "Quick, after them!" Shen ran after them with his wolves in hot pursuit. They didn't have to go far. christine and lian were standing and looking at a large cavern looking part of the trail.christine and lians's eyes were wide and sparkling with delight. Shen stood next to Christine just behind. "What is this place?" he asked marveling at the view.

"I never thought I'd see this," Christine breathed. "It's Resonant Pass."

 For the longest time, the procession of carts and wolves traveled on a winding rocky path through some mountains. They had steep drops and inclines, rubble and icy patches. What they stood in from of now was like nothing they had ever seen before.What was a rough and rocky path became smooth and level, widening to a large cavern like pass. It was wide, easily a mile, and very deep. lian took a rock, about the size of a large melon, and dropped it over the side. It took nearly three minutes before they heard a crash, and it was barely audible."Well, we're not climbing down. That's for sure," said a wolf looking over the edge. "You don't have to," christine stated. "There's a path that goes right across."

Everyone looked at her like she was nuts.

"No, really. There's a path." christine turned and stood at the very edge. She took a deep breath and sang one high note as loud as she could. As the note reverberated over the many pillars of stone down below and snaked through hidden tunnels, the sound that came back was a hum, a loud hum that formed a silhouette of abridge that went right across to the other side. As the hum faded, so did the path.

"Well I'll be," said the wolf. "There really is a path here."

"I thought you said you hadn't been here," Shen said."I haven't, but I've heard stories about this place," christine replied. "In fact, an entire section of my home was built inspired by this pass."

"But how do you propose we get across?" asked a wolf. "As soon as the note faded, so did the bridge."

"Easy, we match the note that brings the bridge into existence," christine grinned. "Once we do, as long as we're moving on it, it will stay until all of us are across."

"And how are we going to do that?" asked Shen doubtful.Christine turned to him. "Give me one of your knives."

"What? MY knives? You must be joking," Shen replied laughing.The cat rolled her eyes and turned to a wolf. "May I see your blade?" she asked. The wolf hesitated before nodding and handing it over. "Thank you," she shot a look over at Shen. The lord glared back and mumbled something under his breath.The feline walked back over to the edge. She took out one of her claws and placed it on the flat side of the blade. Her eyes were closed and her ears were turning every which way waiting for something. A light breeze blew through and a low hum was heard. christine's eyes opened and she began dragging her claw over the surface so that a note was heard. The note matched the hum and the bridge was seen appearing. Quickly, She  ran her claw down the center of the blade, center to tip, and a loud ring was heard. The blade vibrated as the ring bounced off the walls until suddenly, the blade exploded. The pieces ricochet off the walls creating a delicate twinkling sound. The song that resulted was hypnotizing and relaxing, some of the wolves were dozing off.

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