Chapter 24 Morning Awkwardness

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The next morning, Christine woke up laying on her stomach with sheets pulled up to her shoulders. She groaned and opened an eye drowsily, noticing a rose on the pillow beside her. She smiled and sat up to find her dress at the foot of the bed, night gown on the floor where it was thrown the night before. Her fur bristled as she remembered. She looked over at the rose and picked it up to smell it, the scent helping the memories flood back to her. Every touch, smell, taste and sound was like she was living it again. Her eyes closed as she remembered, remembered how Shen talked to her, the feeling of him so close to her, how he tasted when he kissed her. Her spine tingled and fur pricked up when she remembered the feeling of his fingers trailing down her spine.

Just as she was getting immersed in the memories, a wolf opened the doors causing her to startle out of her trance like state and snap her head in his direction. "Lord Shen," he called. "I have those.... reports...." he trailed off upon noticing her sitting on the bed, covering herself with the bed sheets. His face flushed red. "Oh, s-so sorry," he stammered. "I-I didn't know you that." Even though Chrisine was covering herself with the sheets, her back was exposed a little.He turned away still blushing to give her some privacy. "P-please forgive me," he said as she got changed. "I did not expect you to be here. I-I was looking for Lord Shen."

"No need to apologize," she said struggling with the dress. "This is Shen's room. It's only logical to expect him to be here."

 "But you were....and I...." he said before glancing over to her. "Would you like some help?"

Christine sighed in frustration. "Help would be greatly appreciated" she said nearly slipping. He walked over, a slight blush on his face, and helped her get into the dress though quite nervous. She bid him good-bye and headed off to find Shen once she was dressed. The poor wolf went nearly unconscious from relief when she was out of sight.

As she walked she stopped. Lian. She must be confused if not terrified to wake up and find her not there. She quickened her pace. When she made it there she was met with an empty room. Panicking she searched the other rooms on that floor, but there was no sign of her. Fearing that her daughter might be lost she went down the many stairs, asking wolves she met along the way if they had seen Shen. They said Shen took some gorillas to the factory to get a canon. When asked about Lian none of them saw the cub anywhere. Just as she ran out the front palace doors, Shen and his gorillas here walking up the main path. To her relief Lian was with them, walking besides Shen. She waved. " Morning Mommy!".

 "Ah, there you are," Shen said walking up to her. "I thought for sure you would still be sleeping after last night." He smirked when he saw her fur prick up as a blush appeared on her face. He chuckled. "Well, now that you're here, why don't you accompany me as we make an improvement to the throne room." He moved a wing around her waist and guided her inside, gorillas close behind with the canon. Lian was at her mother's side, holding her hand.
"So where were you mommy? I woke up and you weren't there?"Before she could answer Shen beat her to it. " your mother and I had a bit of a chat. Isn't that right my dear? ". Christine looked at him. He gave her a small wink and tightened his grip. Lian gazed up at her mother. She swallowed. "Oh, y-yes. Yes thats right ". Lian gave her a look and smiles.

The gorillas pulled down the colorfully decorated banners that lined the room when they got to the throne room. Christine watched a little sad that something so beautiful was being taken down as if it was nothing more than trash. The canon was wheeled in the room behind Shen, following him to the steps upon which sat a throne. Christine thought it was beautiful, the gold and blue seemed to calm the room with all the reds.

 "My father's throne," Shen said walking up to the large centerpiece. "He used to let me play here beside him, promising one day this throne would be mine". He smiled fiendishly as he had it thrown out the window and the canon put in its place. Christine watched as the beautiful chair tumbled toward the ground and smashed into pieces as earth met throne. She turned in time to see the canon be put in it's place and shook her head in opposition.

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