Chapter 7 You are MY Prisoner

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christine was up bright and early the next morning, even earlier than Shen. she was finally able to get her cub to rest and walked outside.She took a deep breath of the fresh morning air. She wasn't sure of how far she was allowed to go so she carefully climbed on top of the cage and watched the sun rise with Lian in her arms

   Shen decided to walk out just after the sun rose but checked on his 'guests' before actually exiting the pagoda. When he found an empty cage, he called out to the wolf on duty.  "Guard! Where is she?!". The wolf looked into the cage a very angry Shen was pointing to. "Well," he said still looking into the cage, " their not in there." Shen slapped a wing to his face "I know their not. I want to know where they went!" he roared, face turning a rather bright red.   "I don't know" the wolf  squeaks. "THEN FIND THEM!!" Shen nearly exploded. "Yes sir!" saluted the wolf fearfully before running off.

Shen was fuming and his face was nearly as red as his tail feather markings. He took two steps out of the pagoda when the wolf ran back to him. "You had better have found them if you are returning, otherwise get out of my sight" the lord warned the wolf. "I have sir. their, on top the cage" the wolf reported in a shaky voice. Shen snapped his head over in the direction of the cage and, sure enough, found her sitting on top of the cage with about five other wolves. They were all watching the sun rise. He was relieved she hadn't escaped but was still fuming. "Back to work! All of you!" he hollered. Every wolf must have jumped a foot because they were off the cage and sprinting to their stations before christine could even sit up.

"You..." he hissed pointing at her, "Get down here." christine sat up and she did as she was told, starting to slowly make her way down but quickly wished she hadn't. Getting in her face "What do you think you are doing?" shen spat with poison in every word.  


Startled and confused Shen, Christine revealed the sleeping child in her arms. "I was just--" she whispered before Shen interrupted."Let me make this perfectly clear. Just because you have an unlocked cage DOES NOT mean you have free reign." he whispered sharply

   "But I--"

   "You are not to leave that cage until I come down first. Understand? you are MY prisoner! " Shen was still seething before he walked off, not even bothering to to wait for her response. All christine could do was watch as he left."Yes sir" was all she managed to say. She thought it best to stay in that cage of theirs today, no sense in making him even more upset. lian began to stir, letting out a great yawn before rubbing a paw over her eyes." what time is it?" christine just smiled before turning back to their cage, " go back to sleep blossom ". The cub yawned again before closing her eyes " okay ".

Shen watched them through a crack in the door before turning to leave. he leaned over to Wolf Boss when he was far enough away from them. "Get three wolves and prepare a room for them in my pagoda. I want to keep a closer eyes on them."

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