Chapter 19. Surprise encounter

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Christine and lian were out getting some fresh air when Boss Wolf, Wugu and many other wolves came out of the factory.  "What's going on?" christine asked.  "Lord Shen needs more metal for his canon," Boss Wolf replied."The wolves are moving out in small groups to hunt for it.," Wugu added. "My group is staying here to melt the metal the others bring back."

    "Can I join you?" christine asked Boss Wolf. "I really need to do something other than stand here.". Boss wolf really didn't want to say no. Shen was rather protective of her, bordering overprotective, and he had no idea what he would do if he found her missing. He peeked over at her to find her eyes wide and pleading him to let her go. He sighed. "Alright," he said, "but you have to make sure you get away without him noticing."

"Oh, thank you thank you thank you!" she squealed nearly tackled him with a hug. The commander looked at her with surprise. "Uhhh... ahem. You're gonna.... have to let me go first."

"Oh, sorry," christine apologized, letting him go.

" can i come too, pleeeeaaase!"

She looked over to Lian, who by this point was dancing on her toes with wide blue eyes."No, absolutely not" . The cub gave her her mother a glare and pouted." why not !" she whined, stomping her foot in place with an angry flick of her tail."Because it can be dangerous. Besides, I have an important job for you to do" . lian's ears and face perked up. Bending down christine whispered something in her ear and the cub gave her mother a devious smile before running back into the factory. Boss wolf coughed nervously. "Uhhh... We're going to be heading back west so, if you can make it to those trees over there," he pointed to some trees in the distance, "you'll be safe and we'll be waiting for you.". Christine nodded. "Shen doesn't expect me back in there for a while so I can get away now."

"Perfect," Boss Wolf replied with a grin. " My group, lets go!" A group of wolves and a gorilla followed him toward the trees With christine following close behind. Despite wearing a dress, she kept up pretty well. "By the way, what did you tell lady Lu Lung? " Boss wolf asked. She smiled devilishly " let just say I hope that shen has a lot of patience"

After a few hours, they came upon a small village of musicians. The wolves shot large arrows connected to ropes down down into the roofs and ground so they could get down. christine was getting ready to follow. "Lady Linghun," Boss wolf said stopping her. "You're staying here."

    "What? No, I'm going down there too," She protested. "I only want to make sure no one gets hurt."

"Alright," he sighed. "Just, be careful."

"I will, don't worry."

Boss Wolf nodded and ran to a rope and began sliding down. Christine, on the other hand, jumped off the cliff they were on and free fell down to the village below. "I told you to be careful!" He Wolf yelled.  "I am!" the cat called back. When he landed, Boss Wolf ordered his wolves to get all he metal they could. "Get all the metal you can find," he said before doing so himself. As the wolves went through each home and took the metal from it, Christine set to work calming the villagers down and making sure they weren't hurt. One such villager was a duck. He was a bell maker so when the wolves took his bells, he clung on the them and began sobbing. Christine carefully removed him from a bell and began trying to calm him down. "My bells!" he cried trying to go after them.

"Sir, sir. They're just bells."

"No, no they're not. They're MY bells."

"Sir, look at me."

The duck turned and looked into her eyes, instantly calming down. "You're alive, right?" she asked him bending down to match his height. He nodded. "Right, so you can get more bells." He nodded again. Christine smiled. "Now, go back to your home where it's safe."

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