Chapter 20 special mission

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(Lian's Pov)

It's not fair! Why does mommy get to go out and have fun and I have to stay here?! I walk around Lord Shen's factory and see a bunch of wolves working on making what looks like a giant cannon. "Wonder what he needs this for? " I said as I walk past it. I tried asking one of the workers but they told me to run along and go play somewhere else. Rude. I kept wondering around looking for something to do when I see Lord Shen talking to a wolf. I didn't think about it till I heard im mention going to see mommy and remembered what mommy said.

" I need you to keep shen busy. He can't know I'm gone. Mommy will be in big trouble if he finds out. "

I ran up to him when he started to leave and surprise him. " Hi Shen !" I must have scared him because he jumped and took out his knife. He didn't hit me because I'm too little and he aimed too high. It did scare me how fast he was but I tried to hide it and waved. " Hi ".

Once he saw it was me he put the blade down. He was out of breath. " Oh, It's only you. Don't sneak up on me! I could have killed you! "

" sorry"

He wiped the sweat off his head. " That's quite alright.. Where's your mother? I need to speak to her " He looked around then started to leave but I stood in his way. " She's sleeping! Yeah. She got really tired and went to take a nap. She should be up soon" I lied, hoping he would believe me. Why shouldn't he? After all, who would suspect a seven year old?

He looked into my eyes to see if I was lying and I tried to show no emotion.

" Hmh very well, "

This is too easy.

"Why don't you run along? A factory is no place for a mere child " He started to walk away. I kinda hated that he said that. Im no ordinary child.

"Is that what your parents said to you? "

He stopped and turned to look at me. He looked a little mad. Maybe I said something I shouldn't have. " What did you say? ".

Yep definitely mad.

Some of the wolves stopped working when they heard what I said. I tried to come up with something as he came closer. The knives on his feet clanking as he stomped over towards me. I swallowed hard. " I mean.. You work a factory.. Didn't your mom and dad say not to play in factories?". His face changed and he seemed to be lost in thought.

" yes..yes they did.. " He stayed like this for a long time.

(Shen's Pov)

" didn't your mom and dad say not to play in factories?"

I stopped. What she said stirred something within me. I recall that when I was but a young hatchling, I was perceived as feeble, unfit as heir. I didn't possess the alluring colors that a peacock was renowned for . I remember when I first saw the fireworks, how they bewitched me. They mocked me, reminded me of what I lacked. beauty.

An embarrassment. A bad omen. Thats what I was. I never heard those words directly, but overheard it being said by court officials and servents in hush whispers. Who ever heard of such a phenomenon, a peacock without pigment. I devoted my entire being to the power that was fireworks in the solis and comfort of the factory just outside the palace walls. There I discovered it's true power.

" Yes..yes they did".

My...Parents. I tried to convince them what they could do for our militaries, expand our empire. They never appreciated my discoveries or accepted any of my suggestions. They were all fools seeking peaceful negotiation over sheer power. My father would call my intrest a 'waist of time' and should devoted my time instead to more important matters such as studying our history, customes, and be more present in court so I may be an ' acceptable ' ruler. Well they will see soon enough.

" Lord Shen? "

I snapped out of whatever trance I was transfixed in and saw what appeared to be concern in the little cub's eyes. Her eyes, they were like her mother's. A Beautiful shade of blue. I extended my wing. " Would you like me to show you around? "

(Lian's Pov)

I nodded and took his huge wing in my paw and we started walking. Well at least this will be fun. Lord Shen showed me around, it was actually really cool! We went to each of the stations so Shen could see how the wolves were coming along, and at each station he explained to me what they were working on and what they did.

At one point I snuck a hand full of powder from a barrel while shen was talking and threw it into a fire and it exploded! It scared a few wolves and I laughed. It looked so pretty! Lord Shen must have seen because when I turned around he was there. I thought I was going to get in trouble.

" Curious little cub, aren't you? "

He asked me if I wanted to see more and I said yes. I even think I saw him smile! " Now this mixture here, is my own personal creation " He took some of the powder and threw it into a fire and it exploded into a huge red sun symbol then changed into white and red peacock!

" That..was..AWESOME!" I jump up and down and clapped. He smiled again, looking very proud. " Thank you. It is rather ' awesome' isn't it?". We started walking again till we stopped outside mommy and my room.

" That was fun!"

He laughed, " Yes I rather enjoyed that myself. If you like them so much perhaps you can assist me. Would that please you? ". I nodded my head with a big smile. " I thought so. But first let's ask your mother " he went to open the door and I was excited. Then I remembered.

" Wait no! "

Too late.

When he opened the door and saw an empty bed he went into the room and checked to see if she were hiding. He then looked at me, his looked madder than I ever seen him. " Haha she must have went get some air" I made up feeling scared. His metal claws scrapped the floor as he started slowly coming up to me.

" Little one..."

Im dead.

"Where is your mother?"

I started to shake. "uh ". He bent down to my level with a crazed look in his eyes. " You wouldn't lie to me...Would you? ". I backed away and pointed behind me. "Uhhhhh...I think I hear my mother calling " and with that I took off screaming.

" CHILD!!!"

Hi guys! sorry to keep you all waiting... Things this past few months has got me running around like crazy. Hope this makes up for it.

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