Chapter 8 Training

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Shen was in the training arena behind his pagoda.  His short temper had flared again so he was taking it out on a training dummy. His nanny had suggested he do that rather than take it out on the servants around him when he was little.This turned out to be a great stress reliever, though they had to replace the dummy often.  To day was no different. In total, he broke three throwing knives, shattered two others and broke the tip off of one. His halberd was dull and chipped in some places,  and his multi-purpose blade was snapped in half.  The poor training dummy was riddled with cuts, punctures and shrapnel from the shattered knives. By now, Shen was huffing and puffing and much more calm. Took him nearly all day, but he was calm. He motioned to one of the wolves that were nearby.

"Take these to the armory and have them repaired." The wolf nodded and took the items to be repaired.Shen went into his pagoda to rest, today had been draining. As he passed by the girl's room, he noticed something odd. Christine was in the middle of the room, standing on her head. Her daughter watched intensely, as if she were learning how to do so. He watched as the mother carefully moved her feet from above her to the ground behind her with no intervention from her hands. He was amazed at how easy she made it look. But what amazed him the most was that she apparently did it with her eyes closed.

"Amazing " he said to himself.

   The next thing she did was do a jump twist-flip and land on her hands. She twisted her feet and began spinning , carefully before lowering her head to the ground until she was spinning on her head. Her back rolled and she spun herself to her feet to a striking position. lian began praising her mother as she giggled and clapped .Shen realized she was training but the moves she used were unfamiliar to him.

Strange Kung Fu he thought.The last thing he observed before leaving to his room was christine going into a split then bending backwards so the back of her head touched the back of her heel. The peacock ached just watching her and left before he got a headache.

sorry for the short chapter, but im starting class soon :( I'll post more after.

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