Chapter 11 Exposed and Vulnerable

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For the next few days, Shen made a habit of talking with christine and lian. Either in her cage or in his carriage when they stopped for the night.Christine thought he was either quite interested in the things she knew or was becoming fond of her. She figured it was the first because there was no way he could come to like her even a little. He was a lord after all and she, his prisoner.Travel was smooth and efficient until they came to a mountain range. Because of the weight they were carrying, going over would be nearly impossible. Shen set up camp until he could figure out the safest and fastest route through.

While they waited Christine and Lian were permitted to walk around the camp as they pleased and were even allowed out of the camp borders. The only catch was they had to have five wolves accompany them whenever any of them left the confines of the camp.
Christine didn't know until later that the wolves who accompanied her were required to report to Shen whenever they returned. She got tired of the constant reports so, after about seven trips out, she gave up on walking around with lian outside the camp.
She was met with heavy protest from the wolves as that was the only time they were able to get away from Shen. Plus they liked her company. When she explained why, they reluctantly agreed, admitting Shen was overbearing at times.

Shen spent three days trying to find a way through the mountains before asking Christine as a last resort. She came over to his carriage and easily plotted a way through. Shen was rather annoyed at that and asked how she did that so easily. She shrugged. "Sometimes when you look too hard for something, you miss the obvious." She nodded respectfully before exiting, leaving Shen confused and curious.Christine stepped out of Shen's carriage and stretched, taking a deep breath of the cool fresh mountain air. She shivered a little at the slight drop in temperature. The mountains are unusually cool for this time of year,

' I wonder if it's a bad omen…' She thought.She rubbed her shoulders and looked to the sky."Cold?" Shen asked standing a few feet behind her."Just a chill," christine replied glancing behind her.

Ok, this is getting a liiiiitle creepy. 

"But, it's alright. I'm used to this kind of weather." Christine dismissed."Very well," Shen shrugged turning around. "You and you're daughter are always welcome to take shelter in my carriage should it become too chilly." He offered."Thank you, but I'm sure we'll be just fine," christine again declined as politely as she could before walking off.Shen had a devious smile as he leaned over to Boss Wolf. "Take apart the cage. Save the metal for melting and the wood for burning if needed.".Boss Wolf nodded before taking three wolves to carry out the order.

 It was late in the afternoon when Shen decided to make their way through the mountains.While everyone was getting everything ready, lian and her mother headed toward their cage.Or, at least, where it was. The cage they had gotten to know so well over the past month and a half was nowhere to be found. Their things were there along with the newly returned sack of fruit, though a few berries and a dragon fruit lighter, but not their cage. "Wugu, where's the cage?" christine walked up to him with lian in hand and stopped him as he walked by. "Oh, Lord Shen had it dismantled," Wugu replied. "He's saving the metal for melting and the wood for burning if we need it."christine's heart skipped a beat at the news."Why would he do that mommy?" lian wondered she questioned looking up to her mother curiously with her head tilted in such a way that it could melt the coldest of hearts.

" I,I,I don't know sweety " she stutters. "Perhaps he trusts you enough to follow without the aid of a cage." Wugu replied looking at her a little confused. "You seem a bit unsure. I though you would be happy to be free of the confines of the cage."

    "It's not the freedom I'm afraid of," christine answers. "It's the lack of safety."Now Wugu was really confused, He looked at her like she said she had a mouth on her stomach that ate souls."Ma'am?"

 "Being kept in that cage for so long, " she explains. " I got to know its structure and became very comfortable in it. " She looks away " Mainly because Shen was on the outside.Wugu seemed to understand, though not completely. "So, now that you're free of your confines, you feel exposed?".She nodded. "And vulnerable. I've never felt like that. Ever."

    "Well, if it makes you feel any better, I'll stay by you as much as I can." Wugu smiled, trying to be as supportive as possible.she smiled, relief written on her face. "Thank you, Wugu. That would make me feel so much better". She released her daughters grip and gave him a quick hug to emphasize her gratitude.Wugu was a little surprised at first but returned the gesture with a reassuring pat on the back. "You're quite welcome."Just then, Boss Wolf passed by. "What is this? Are, are you....hugging?".Wugu quickly let go of Christine and stood upright at attention. "S-sorry sir. I was just--" Articulated Wugu."No excuses. We're getting ready to move and I need every able wolf helping" barked boss wolf. "Yes sir." Wugu had his head down and quickly moved toward the activity.Boss wolf turned to look at lian who had a big smile on her face and christine looking at the ground with her hands behind her back.

"Christine...Little one" was all he said with a polite nod before heading off to follow Wugu.Christine looked over to see Wugu look back. She smiled and nodded before putting on her cloak and travel pack.Hoisting lian onto her back she held onto her legs wither her elbows for support.  Picking up her sack of fruit she followed the two wolves. Wugu smiled and continued on his way.When the girls had arrived, the wolves were at their stations and ready to move. Christine was unsure where she should go because of their missing cage, so she stood with some of the wolves behind Shen's carriage and waited to move.

A short while later, Shen came over. He had a slight look of smugness on his face as he approached Christine. She felt rather uneased but did her best to mask it. "Well, it seems you no longer have a cage," quipped Shen now standing in front of her."So it seems," christine replied as calm a voice as possible."You're welcome to join me in my carriage." He hinted with a sly smile. She swallowed.  "we'll be fine walking, thank you". She declined for Lian and herself" what?! are you mad woman!?" lian cried out from hiding behind her mother. "The offer is appreciated though." Christine states ignoring her daughter's outburst of disapproval. Shen sighed heavily a little frustrated, but let her have her way. She has to get tired eventually. He turned away and told the wolves to start moving as he got into his carriage. Now beginning the treacherous journey through the mountains.

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