You Get a Pet

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I know a lot of my readers don't read these authors notes, but thank you to those that do. Writing this chapter was really emotional for me and I'd like to dedicate this chapter to my dog, Sally, whom my family was forced to put down today on Monday, October 5th, 2020. I'm not sure when I'll finish this chapter or if I'll be able to publish it right away, but I wanted to do something for her to thank her for being my best friend for 14 years.

The Vet told us she hadn't been in pain, but her legs had started deteriorating to a point where she'd fall all the time and be unable to get up because of her arthritis. She lost control of her bladder and had accidents. She couldn't always make it up and down the stairs to go out, but she was always seemed to be so happy and lively and willing to keep going. But this past week she started to have more bad days than good. She was up in the middle of the night barking because she couldn't get to her bed, and she started sleeping all the time and didn't want to move around. 

That spark she had just kind of left her, and so we knew it was unfair to force to suffer any longer.

So Sally, and anyone who has ever experienced losing a pet, I'd like to dedicate this chapter to you. I'd love to hear all about your pets and your stories of how you first got them so please leave a comment to let me know. I recreated how I first got Sally in Itachi's scenario, so you can check out my story there.

Thank you everyone for being such loyal readers, and I hope to read all about your best furry (or not so furry) friends. 

The attached picture was taken an hour before she was euthanized.



"A fucking what?"

"A kitten!" Ino and Sakura squealed excitedly.

"And you're fucking both getting one?"

Ino nodded, "Yep, and they're from the same litter. Did you want to come with us?"

You raised an eyebrow before letting out a sigh, "I fucking guess. You're asking because you need help carrying all the supplies in, right?"

Sakura laughed sheepishly, "If you wouldn't mind, but we won't be offended or upset if you say no. You don't have to."

You put your book down on your bed after slipping in the bookmark and approached your dresser. Sakura and Ino both grinned as you grabbed a scrunchie and wrapped your orange hair into a high ponytail. They had been jumping around and squealing since the three of you left the house and walked across the entire leaf village. At one point, the three of you had seen Naruto and quickly hid in an alley before he realized you were there.

That was a cup of tea you weren't quite ready to pour yet.

Either way, within 30 minutes you were standing inside a stranger's home as Sakura and Ino fawned over their new pets. You didn't complain, after all, they'd been very kind to take you in and even help you pay for rent until you'd gotten more on your feet. You'd help them out to repay them when you could.

You tripped over a small mound on the floor, landing on your ass with a muttered, "Fuck." And then, sitting on the ground in front of where you had fallen, was a kitten. It was tiny — tinier than it should be. Shakier than it should be. Was the little thing okay. You slowly reached out a hand and the kitten let out a quiet mew.

"Everything alright?" the old woman asked as she strangled her precious Tora in her arms. You felt bad for the poor cat, losing her kittens and getting strangled by some old hag. "Oh, sorry about that little guy. I thought I had him locked up in the pen. He's the runt of the litter — not very healthy. We'll be getting rid of him soon."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2020 ⏰

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