You Get Rescued

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"Almighty Push!"

Several ANBU members went flying past your cell, before harshly connecting with the rock wall. You attempted to move forward slightly, but you couldn't move much with the chains on. Foot steps echoed down the hall, before you began to move as far back as you could. Soon the orange hair came into sight, and the piercing covered face.

He waked straight past your cell to the heap of guards and kneeled down to get a ring of keys before retuning. He said nothing as he unlocked the cell door, stepping inside. He then switched to another key before he began to undo the chains.

As your body was free, you immediately tackled your father with a large hug. He only chuckled slightly, holding you close with a tight grip. Your body trembled slightly, as you clung to your father for comfort. Pein ruffled your hair slightly before taking your hand and leaning you out of the cell.

"I'm sorry for what I said. I wasn't listening, I didn't even let you finish. This is my fault." He spoke.

"I was trying to tell you the Hidan and I went fucking shopping in the nearby town. I got a fucking piercing, and I wanted to show you. I got a fucking new rod for you too."

"I saw the rod on my desk, and then I read the note. Then I knew I messed up, so I came to find you. But all I saw was your ring on the ground in the middle of nowhere, so I followed the ninja who took you to the village. Now let's head home."


You had been taken to an abandoned warehouse, and the neighborhood around it had long since been cleaned out. You felt grateful for the holes in the roof, trying to be hit by rain whenever possible. That way Pein would be able to locate you, and they could find you. There would be even the slightest chance of rescue, and you didn't care how big the possibilities were. As long as they were there.

A hand reached for your shirt and you immediately shoved the person away, stumbling backwards towards the entrance. Unfortunately, one of them wasn't as drunk as the others and saw through your plan. He blocked the door. Your shirt was grabbed once more, before you heard a ripping noise. Your hands crossed over your chest, just as a hand harshly grabbed the back of your bra.

It was undone, but you refused to give up. Your arms would not move, staying completely frozen in place as you fought to keep it on. You found yourself being pushed all around, smashing into the ground. A soft whimper came from your lips as you struggled to fight back.

"Almighty Push!"

All the men around you were sent flying into the wall, before paper shuriken began to stick to them. With a quick hand sign from your mother, the paper bomb shuriken blew the drunkards to bits. Pein stayed by the entrance as Konan rushed to your side, clipping your bra back together. She took off her cloak before assisting you to put it on with a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you now. I promise."


"My father would never give up his sword. I'm telling you, you better let me go because when he gets here he'll only be leaving one thing behind. And that's your corpse!"

"Cute." Suigetsu, as he said his name was when he was carrying you, taunted.

A low growl formed in the back of your throat as the gills on our cheeks flared. Suigetsu simply smirked, itching closer before placing his thumb on your right cheek where the gills were located. You fought to pull away, but he simply moved closer until you had no where to escape to.

"Seems you're also half shark, aren't you?" He chuckled.

"So what if I am?"

"Oh, sweetie. Don't you get it? You're another little monster, just like your father. Don't you know why your father ended up raising you? The only reason he took you, was because your mother was disgusted by your appearance."

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