Your First Steps

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"Careful, my goddess."

A giggle came from you as she tightly clutched Pein's cloak, struggling to stay on your feet. He chuckled slightly as he reached for some paper work on his desk, trying not to move to much in fear of knocking you down.

He moved slightly towards his desk, your fingers slipping from his cloak. He noticed this, and took the chance to get something from the other side of the room.

Behind him, a small girl was stumbling forward, struggling to reach her father. She almost fell, but managed to get to the other side.

Pein turned, only to see the small girl stumbling in his direction, trying to walk. His eyes widened as she reached him, hugging his cloak.

"My little goddess is growing up..."


Konan squealed in excitement as she was kneeled on the ground in the middle of the living room. The rest of the Akatsuki watched in interest as you fearfully clung to the couch beside Kisame.

"Come on, (Y/n), you can do it!" Konan encouraged.

"Go on, kid." Kisame joined in.

"Show those fucking feet who's boss!" Hidan yelled.

You looked to your mother nervously who sent you a reassuring nod. You let go of the couch, body trembling. You put a foot forward, before beginning to fall.

You were quickly caught by Itachi, who'd been sitting right by where you were about to fall.

"We believe in you, (y/n)."

You gave Itachi a nod, before looking towards Konan with a more determined expression.

You placed one foot forward, and then the other. Another and another. Cheers came from the other members as you reached your mother, who hoisted you into the air.

"I knew you could." She murmured.


You looked hungrily at the dango in which Itachi was eating on the couch. Kisame sat across from him, behind you. You stood by the couch, clutching onto his knee for support.

Your tongue ran along your lips as if imagining the taste of the dango in your mouth. Seeming mesmerized, you released Kisame's leg.

He looked up curiously as you took several steps towards Itachi. A gasp came from Kisame, causing the Uchiha to look up and notice the small girl stumbling towards him. He noticed your eyes glued on the stick of dango.

A slight sigh came from his lips, as he held it out in you direction. Your eyes lit up, movement becoming quicker.

You collapsed into his legs, clutching to support yourself as you reached up for the sweets. He chuckled softly before moving it towards your mouth.

You bit one off happily, chewing it in your mouth.

Meanwhile, a slight sobbing was heard from the other side of the room where a blue-haired and blue-skinned may have or may not have been balling his eyes out.

"She's growing up so fast... and she still likes that Uchiha more..."


"(Y/n), be gentle."

You looked up at your father curiously as you tightly clutched onto his leg. He lifted it up to take another step, which also raised you into the air before placing you back on the ground.

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