They Find Out You're With Your Boyfriend

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"Where is that girl?" the Akatsuki leader growled in annoyance.

"What's wrong, dear?"

Pein relaxed as his eyes landed on Konan as the woman entered the room, holding her stomach. Seeing her calmed him down more than anything, and he felt as if he could truly relax. Not to mention how thrilled he was with the idea of having a child with the woman he loved. It was a different situation, when the child was the product of love between you and another.

It was quite different than the feeling he'd had with [Y/n] when she was young. After all, he hadn't been around your mother during the pregnancy and hadn't even known of your existence until you were about a month old. Additionally, your mother was a prostitute. With Konan, it was like he knew the one he loved was bearing his child. It seemed like a dream come true, almost.

"[Y/n] disappeared. I needed her to help build the baby's crib. She just ran off to get out of doing it, I bet."

"I heard the bitch mumbling about visiting some dude named Naturo or Notura or some shit."

"Naruto?" Pein questioned.

"Yeah, that's it!" Hidan called from the couch as Pein entered the living room.

"That lazy, ungrateful girl! I'm going to Konoha, and will return shortly. I need to teach someone a lesson."
Konan"What's with that fucking look on your face?" Hidan grumbled.

"[Y/n] isn't back yet. She was visiting her boyfriend yesterday! She should be home by now. What if something happened to her? What if-"

"[Y/n]'s a big girl. She can fucking take care of herself."

"But I'm worried..."

Konan had been pacing around the room, fidgeting with her fingers and tapping her feet. She couldn't help but worry about you, you were her daughter and her only child! If something had happened to you, Konan didn't know what she would do. She couldn't handle the thought of you lost or injured somewhere, waiting for your mother to come and rescue you.

"I'm going to Konoha!"
"Babe, are you fucking crazy? You're an Akatsuki member, you can't just walk into a fucking ninja village!"

"Too bad. You can come, or you can stay behind."

And the blue-haired woman stormed from the room.

Kisame"[Y/n]? [Y/n], where are you? [Y/n]!"

Kisame was frantically running through the base, searching for you. He'd just returned from a solo mission only to find that you weren't in your bedroom. Had you left the base? Had you wandered off? Had you run away? The fish-like giant swore loudly, calling out your name once more as he tried to locate you. Had you really run away and left him? Your father? He couldn't believe it.

"Have you tried checking the Uchiha's room. You know, her boyfriend, un? I'm sure she'll be in ecstasy."


Kisame stopped in his tracks, eyes drifting towards the blond Akatsuki member. Deidara was leaning against the wall with a smug grin, his hand mouths chewing on a piece of clay he was holding. The fish-man couldn't quite figure out what the sculpture was supposed to be, but it was likely that Deidara would blow it up before he saw the compete version. But then, finally, Kisame understood what the younger male had been thinking.

"Oh! Like hell I'll let her stay there when I'm gone! I'm coming, my little guppy!"

Itachi"What is it, Itachi?"

The redheaded puppeteer lifted his head from the book he was reading, glancing at the raven. The two of them were hanging out in Sasori's room, although the younger of the two had begun getting quite restless. He kept on pacing back and forth across the room, eyes darting towards the door and then staring at the ground and pacing some more. He'd been doing it consistently for the past several hours, and no matter what Sasori said, he kept going.

"Are you going to pace like that all day and night? I can't focus on my book."

"I apologize, Sasori. I'm just worried about [Y/n]."

"[Y/n]'s a big girl, she can take care of herself."

"It's not like her to not come home at night. She gets so paranoid when it's dark..."

"She'll be fine, so stop sulking."

"How do you know? She could be anywhere."

"She's probably just visiting that boyfriend of hers. She'll be back when she's back."

Itachi immediately turned and went to grab his Akatsuki cloak, which he had hung up in Sasori's closet. The redheaded puppet gave the Uchiha a strange look as he put it on and began getting out his ninja tools. Then, he went and headed straight for the door without a word. This only confused Sasori even more, who finally grabbed his bookmark and set the now-closed book on the nightstand.


"I have to find her."

"She's 17, she doesn't need a babysitter."


And Itachi left the room.

Akatsuki Fathers × Daughter Reader Scenariosजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें