You Have a Father/Daughter Day

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"Otousan, are you fucking ready?"

There was no reply.


You pushed the door open to his office, staring at the orange-haired male who was kneeled on the ground in front of Konan with a smile. He had his ear pressed to her stomach, and the two were excitedly speaking and laughing amongst themselves. It wasn't until you loudly cleared your throat that your father rose to his feet, realizing you were also in the room.

"What is it [Y/n]? Konan and I are very busy with preparations for the nursery today."

"I-I thought we were going to Konoha today?"

"What are you talking about? Since when were we going to Konoha?"

"You... you promised."

"I don't remember promising that. Don't lie to get things you want. If that's all you needed, I'm very busy right now. We only have 9 months to prepare for the baby."

You didn't reply again and ran from the room, refusing to cry while in the same room with your father. You knew it would happen, you'd known all along! You ran back into your room, slamming the door behind you. Your father didn't even remember the day you'd been planning for months. You didn't matter anymore, did you? Clearly that was the case. You weren't sure if you even wanted to live in the base anymore.


"Okaasan, it's so cute!"

Konan and you both 'aww'ed over the baby animals inside the little pen. they were absolutely adorable; you just wanted to hug and cuddle with them forever! Since she'd been busy with your step-father recently, Konan and you decided to go out and have a little girl time. So here you were, at a famous zoo in the Land of Fire. The animals were very well treated here, and they were all absolutely adorable too.

"Ooh, I found a map! Do you want to go see the big felines?"


The two of you grinned and skipped happily down the path towards the large cat section. After all, you loved your cats more than anything. With Hidan's wallet in hand, the two of you could do anything! Well, until you ran out of money or Hidan realized he didn't have it in his pocket and Konan was the only one that knew he kept it there other than Kakuzu who wouldn't steal his wallet because he says it has 'Hidan germs'.


"I can't believe after all these years you're still afraid of water. I mean, you have gills."

You gave Kisame a sheepish grin, shrugging your shoulders. It was just kind of how it turned out, you couldn't really help that. The two of you had decided to come to the beach. Even if you didn't want to swim, you loved building sand castles and throwing around a volleyball. Your father was perfectly happy to do what you liked rather than swim, although he did jump into the water briefly once or twice to cool off.

Your step-mother and packed the two of you a picnic lunch so you wouldn't go hungry, which was very sweet of her considering the woman wasn't invited and she'd kind have been left by herself in a cave filled with S-ranked criminals. Luckily she was with Itachi, who had also been ditched since he wasn't aloud to come along either. It made sense. If you and Itachi were going to get married one day, he may as well get to know his future mother-in-law.


"What do you want, brat?"

"Otousan and I were going to hang out together today. Just me and him."

"Then just tell him you don't want to."

Your eyes widened, staring at the redhead in shock. You weren't going to do that, no way! This was probably one of the only times you were ever going to spend time with your father now. You wouldn't give it up, you just couldn't! Besides, maybe if you talked to him he could fix it. Then Sasori and you and him would all get along and you could all be a big family together!

"I-I won't!"

"Look, brat. You're going to tell Itachi you no longer want to go anywhere today. Then you're going to turn around and go to your room. If you can do that, no one gets hurt. If you can't... well let's just say that boyfriend of yours won't be drawing again anytime soon. Sai, was it?"

"No! I'll tell my father abou- Ouch!"

You whimpered as your body was slammed against the wall, and wooden fingers wrapped around your throat. Sasori's brown eyes stared into your black ones, threatening and dark. He was pissed off, and extremely serious. You flailed against his grip as the hand around your throat slowly began to tighten, and eventually you found yourself collapsing to the floor.

"You won't tell Itachi anything, or so help me I'll turn Sai into my newest puppet."

A sob was forced from your throat, resulting in an almost sadistic look from Sasori. You turned and ran the other way, and threw yourself onto your bed in tears. Sasori had no problem assuring Itachi that you just decided to stay inside rather than have a day out.


Akatsuki Fathers × Daughter Reader ScenariosWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu