Your 18th Birthday

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You clutched the warm blanket around you, cuddling up on your bed with your favourite teddy bear. You could hear your father and Konan bustling around the nursery which happened to be right next door to your bedroom. Today when you'd woken up, your father hadn't been waiting for you with breakfast in bed like he normally was. In fact, when you entered the nursery all he said was good morning and asked if you'd slept well. It wasn't hard to realize.

He'd forgotten your birthday.

And here you sat, not as a child, but as an 18-year-old adult who was now old enough to take care of herself and solve her own problems. You no longer needed your parents' permission for anything, and were officially able to come and go from the base as you pleased. Plus, if you wanted, you could now become an official Akatsuki member. But despite how much you'd dreamed of doing so when you were younger, there was no longer anything keeping you in the Akatsuki. You had nothing there for you anymore.

"I know what I want to do..."

And so, you packed your bags one by one. All of your stuff was stored away in suitcases, and then stuffed into various summoning scrolls in order to make your travel easier. Your father nor step-mother noticed you as you walked by the open nursery door. You had only run into Itachi on your way out, who had wished you a happy birthday and asked you where you were headed.

He seemed slightly surprised at your reply, but the emotionless man only nodded in response, seeming to understand your reasoning. He'd even walked with you to the base entrance, and closed it after you left the large tunneled caverns called home by the Akatsuki. And as you walked, you thought of Konoha and the new life you hoped to live there after moving into an apartment.

"Happy 18th birthday, me..."


"Happy birthday, [Y/n]!"

You blew out the candles on your cake, erupting cheers from the crowd around you. You were in the Akatsuki Base's living room with all the S-ranked criminals, Kiba, and his family. Their finding out of her identity had been a rather interesting occurrence, but they'd made somewhat of a pact with your family. Involving you and Kiba, they would hold a truce. Otherwise they were enemies.

"I can't believe you're 18 too!" Tsume, Kiba's mother, laughed.

"Me neither," you replied.

"Oh not you, sweetie. I was talking about this idiot."

Kiba yelped as his mother yanked on his ear, and the Akatsuki members burst into laughter (with an exception of Sasori and Itachi). Even Pein let out a small chuckle. Hidan strolled over, throwing an arm around Kiba with a twisted grin.

"Now, that mind of yours may be wandering to some interesting places, since you're both 18. But as [Y/n]'s stepfather it's my duty to inform you. If you pop the cherry before you tie the knot... I'll fucking castrate you."

Kiba gulped.


"You're 18. How does it feel?"

"The same as being 17."

Kisame held out a giftbox with a toothy grin. You thanked him with a smile as you took it into your hands and began to rip off the wrapping paper. You gasped in surprise, pulling out the beautiful yellow sundress. You held it up to your body, doing a little twirl.

"I'd love to see you in that," Itachi smirked. "Here's my gift."

The man walked over to a corner in the room where a large sheet had been thrown over something. As he pulled it off, you screeched in excitement and tackled him in a hug.

Akatsuki Fathers × Daughter Reader ScenariosOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz