You Move Out

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NOTE: Sorry, but I will be removing Zetsu from this chapter on. I never liked their scenario and don't enjoy wring it. This will make it easier for me to update. Later!



The Leaf Village's gates were closed when you arrived at nightfall, having taken your sweet time walking all the way here from the base. You don't know why you did. Perhaps a part of you hoped that your father would appear - that Pein would remember and come running to apologize.

In your heart, you knew that it wouldn't happen. But you couldn't help but hope that it would.

The guards at the gate didn't give you too much trouble, considering you'd visited many times before. After a few pleasantries, the gates were opened and you moved into the village. Then, you found yourself frozen. Where had you come here? Where could you go? What if they found out who you were? A few of them already knew, of course, but you were sure they didn't spread it everywhere.

Could you rely on Naruto to save you? No. How was that fair? Showing up at his house without any warning and asking to live with him definitely wasn't very polite. You wandered the Konoha streets for two hours - searching for somewhere, anywhere, that you could go. Still, where could that be? You didn't have money. You really didn't think this through, did you? You'd be forced go back. You didn't want to. You didn't want to.

"[Y/n]?" a feminine voice called from behind you, and you turned around in surprise. Not many knew you by name, after all. You were just Naruto's girlfriend. That's all most people really saw you as. You'd heard the rumours too. Someone as abrasive and seemingly aggressive wasn't right for a kind-hearted kid like Naruto.

You recognized the pink-haired girl as Naruto's previous girlfriend, and you couldn't help but feel self-conscious. Beside her, was a girl with hair slightly similar to Deidara, although it was quite a bit paler.

"I want to apologize for how I acted when I was dating Naruto. You may not believe me, but this is Ino, and we noticed the two of you liked each other and hoped maybe a little push would get one of you to confess. Still, it must have been very stressful for you, so I'm sorry. The truth it, I'm actually in love with this other boy... Sasuke."

"Itachi's younger brother?" I echoed.

She nodded, "My name's Sakura Haruno."

"Ino Yamanaka," the blonde beside her jumped in.

"Is there a reason you're out by yourself this late at night?"

You hesitated at Sakura's question. Your gut told you to believe her words, and Ino seemed quite nice as well, but what would the think of your predicament? That you'd come here in hopes of finding a home? With no money? They'd laugh, you were sure. Still, maybe they could help you find some sort of homeless shelter for the night or a job.

"Well, shit. I'm not sure if you know this about me Ino, but I know Sakura is fucking aware. My father , the bastard, is the leader of the Akatsuki-" by the surprise on Ino's face, it appears she hadn't known, "-but I'm leaving that life behind me. My father has fucking proven that I am no longer needed in his life, and this is the only place I thought to go... But I have no money. I don't want to ask Naruto to take care of me like this. Fuck... I don't know what I'm doing."

Sakura and Ino glanced at each other before both girls nodded and turned to speak at once, "Move in with us!"


"We know we just met, but we'd like to make it up to you for before," Sakura explained.

Ino nodded, "We just moved in together. We have a third room we've been trying to rent out, but no one has responded to the ad yet, so it's open! We can cover your cost of the rent until you can get a job, but just please pay us back over time."

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