You Get A Summoning

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"Let's fucking sign the contract already."

The ostrich simply laughed, petting your head with it's wing. You cracked a slight smile as he place put the contract scroll in front of you. You rolled it open and bit your thumb before pushing it down on the scroll.

"Alright, Condor! Let's fucking work together from now on!"

"You got it, we can accomplish anything with a ninja ostrich like myself."


"Alright, right there."

You nodded to Mittens, your kitten, placing your thumb on the space she instructed. The blood was in the shape of your finger print on the contract, you now getting more excited. Not only would you get to have Mittens, but now there'd be a bunch of other cats too.

"Now you can meet my family! Come one, let's go outside to summon them!"



Kisame stared at the animal perched on your shoulder that you'd made a contract with, raising an eyebrow slightly. Of course you'd picked this one, it was the biggest anti-water animal he'd seen. A slight sigh came from his lips as it let out a might cry, several others soon coming into sight.

Several other flaming birds swooped down, landing next to or on you. The many phoenix were difficult for him to near, due to the large heat they were radiating off. He didn't understand how you could be so close at first, but then it came to him.

Signing the contract made you immune to the heat.


Itachi deadpanned, seeing the animal you'd been so excited to show him. You'd met a ninja animal that you wanted to sign a contract with but were afraid to do it alone, so he came with you as emotional support.

But he never expected this.

They surrounded him in every direction, all crawling closer and closer to you. Some of the smaller ones crawling up to sit on your shoulders or climbing on the larger ones so they could see you place your finger print on the paper.


You made a contract with a bunch of weasels.

Itachi was done.


Manda looked down at you with a devious smirk, although could make no moves since Orochimaru stood beside you. You bit your thumb before pressing it down on the contract, Kobura hissing from his place around your waist.

Your cobra had assumed the role as your belt.

Snakes were crawling everywhere, all around you. Over your feet, across your legs, up to your shoulders. Everywhere. You simply chuckled slightly, gently poking their noses to get them used to your scent.


After having signed the contract, you turned to the gigantic scorpion cheerfully. He nodded in approval, you now having the ability to summon scorpions. Several of the creatures sat upon your shoulders, on your head, clung to your clothes.

They were everywhere.

Their tails dripped with poison, although each were careful to not poison you by mistake. Even so, soon you'd become immune to their poison, it's how their contract worked. Within one week, you'd be completely immune.


Deidara's eyes widened at what he saw, immediately freezing in his place. The animal let out a low growl, slowly creeping in his direction. The blonde slowly reached into his clay pouch, taking out the figure.

"Tora, stop."

The tiger froze in place, looking backwards as Deidara heard the familiar voice. You slowly approached, moving to the tiger's side. You pet the tiger softly, pulling her away from your father.

"Otousan, this is Tora, my summoning. Tora, this is my Otousan. Be nice!"


You held the raccoon in your arms, ducked behind the curtains in Pein's room. You'd just signed the contract and now it was time for your first mission together. As the orange-haired male turned away, you released the raccoon.

It slipped amongst the walls, remaining as silent as possible.

The raccoon jumped up onto his chair, followed by his desk as Pein retrieved some paperwork from the other side of the room. The ninja raccoon used it's paws to pull open the drawer and grab as much money as it could hold in it's mouth and in it's arms.

It immediately made it's way back, ducking behind the curtain just as Pein returned to his desk. The two of us then put the money in the small bag I'd brought before climbing back through the secret escape tunnel connecting Pein's room to the outside in case the base was discovered.


The large, black creature rapidly sprinted through the woods, you riding on it's back. It was relatively small compared to the other ninja of it's species, but the perfect side for you to ride on it's back and for it to get you through the forest.

The Wolf leapt into the air, soaring over the log.

You giggled slightly, wrapping your arms around the wolf's neck. It increased it's speed, the pack behind it also doing so to keep up. Your father, whom was on one of the wolves behind you, was terrified as he had been thrown off a very large amount of times by now.

And the wolves bit him a couple times.


Tobi giggled, looking into the water were your summons were. He waved cheerfully, the summons staring right back. You were sitting in the water completely emotionless, as always, whilst they swam around you contently.

"Tobi's coming in the water with [Y/n]-chan!" Your father sang.

As soon as his toe touched the water, the piranhas all opened their mouths to reveal extremely sharp teeth. Tobi screeched in fear, immediately moving away from the water and proceeding to run away from the lake.


You poked your head up from the ground, having been traveling around underground for the past hour to explore the area around the base. Although didn't have a plant on your shoulders, you were still a plant. After all, you'd bloomed from a flower.

A small mole popped up beside you, as did several others of various sizes. Your moles were very helpful for you, and also helped you find your way around. They could also pop up first to make sure an area was safe and then go down to let you know so you could come up or go somewhere else.

After looking around slightly, you and all the moles sunk back underground to travel around more.

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