betwixt the start of his adventure and

the point at which the Owner led him to

th'headquarters of the order that she work'd

as part of, to detail Pilgrim's path                50

to paradise; though note she only writes

the days he can recall, for still the nights

are as of yet unknown to Pilgrim's mind,

and also hath he travell'd for a year

by now, and so the earliest he can

recall to form cohesive narrative's

the day whereon the Barman toss'd him out).

And what he can't recall he's aided in

with help from Spouse who knows some parts he can't

remember, for amnesia—so they think—                60

is blocking recollection of th'events.

The Headman's fascinated by th'account

and asks the two of them a great amount

whilst, coming from the kitchen, doth his wife

deliver pots of stew unto the scene—

a rich and steamy, piping hot delight—

which first the hosts allow their guests to scoop

before they fill their bowls and thank the Earth.

Our Pilgrim and the Spouse devour dish

delicious with the meat of aging goats                70

they're told the village raises for their milk

until there comes a time they can't produce

and subsequently are escorted to

the slaughterhouse for one more use of them.

Once all the meal is consum'd the Head

commands his wife and children leave the room

 in order to—as earlier he vow'd—

discuss the nature of the cannibals,

but first he asks of Pilgrim: "Will you tell

your woman to depart as I have told                80

my fam'ly? For this talk's not for the faint

of heart, as women often seem to be."

A single brow from Spouse doth arch at this

whilst Head's attention's on protagonist

who says to him: "I should believe you'd have

by now th'impression that this woman holds

a tougher heart and stomach than have I,

unless you fell asleep whilst both we spoke?"

With loud, good-natur'd laughter at the jibe

the Headman nods, agreeing with our man.                90

His wife reenters bearing now a jug

from which she pours into their goblets three

a wine so rich of scarlet that it tempts

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