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Emerging from below to open air,

Pariah draws a breath to satiate

his lungs which cry from stuffiness inside

the humid hull akin to desert heat

if much the moister than its air so bak'd,

so like the delta's marsh that once was home.

The sailor at the helm salutes; he nods

and makes toward the balustrade at bow

to be away from anyone awake

above the deck to steer the ship at night,                  10

and standing at a vessel's bow again

doth stir a memory inside of him

of falling overboard from just this place

upon a ship he sailed years ago.

He pushes out these thoughts and leans upon

the balustrade, and once the mem'ry's gone

he gazes over th'waters bright and dark

across their rolling surface by the light

of Luna's visage full and visible

with lack of clouds t'obstruct her silver glow,                 20

which hungrily the sea consumes below

until her light is stopp'd at certain depths

forever wrapp'd in dark of their abyss.

Despite his mental clearing still there comes

a memory, but this he doth indulge.

The Maiden occupies his mind as he

doth gaze upon the waters; would she give

approval of this marriage to his Spouse?

He wonders, looking up toward the stars

and knowing that he'll never get to ask                    30

whilst still he lives, and never see her face

or hear her laugh or smell her fragrant hair,

so rather he is forc'd to guess and fret

with guilt, uncertainty and loathing self.

The silence of his thoughts—except the creaks

of th'hull below—is broken by the falls

of heavy buskin boots upon the boards

approaching where he holds the balustrade.

The Captain places mugs upon the rail

and downs the first to toss aside before                        40

he says his words; and when he's done they are:

"Imbibe another with me. Half and half."

The Captain slides the second mug across

the balustrade, maintaining grip upon

the handle so it dothn't fall to sea.

Pariah shakes his head, however, here:

"I thank ye for the offer, but decline,

for I'd prefer sobriety tonight."

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