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Our Pilgrim wakes within his crumbling house,

determining this morn he'll get to work

on building here a home to raise his child

and love his Spouse upon-their paradise.

He exits from the house of cracking wood

and shakes his head, deciding must it go.

He then begins to sweep his gaze across

the land he owns with which he's meant to work;

the fields too are nothing wonderful,

so fill'd with rocks our Pilgrim's forc'd to take 10

a wagon-which he pulls himself-into

the soil, lifting stones out from the loam

to roll toward the edge of property,

on which he starts to build a parapet

to make for certain there are no disputes

about what land belongs to whom whereat,

and with a week of work, when rocks are clear'd

at least from but a patch of land, he tills

with plow and horses bought with bureau funds

for him t'repay to coffers over time, 20

and once the soil's till'd he sows his crops

for Earth and Sky to nurture from this point

beneath the light of th'ever rising sun

to harvest 'neath the glow of golden moon,

whilst he begins another project with

an axe in hand and thicket on his land

of poplars which he fells and harnesses

to drag away by horses one by one

so that he makes a stack upon a flat

and bor'd-out piece of land on which there stands 30

his well, by which he marks a perfect spot

for building with his own two hands a home

in which he'll house his fam'ly once complete,

whilst finding time between this myriad

of tasks to spend some hours with his Spouse,

and show her how to fish within a pond

half hour's drive from home within the woods,

and picking berry shrubs in sunny glades,

and visiting their friends within the town,

and other fine activities to build 40

the love they share toward still greater heights.

And as our Pilgrim chops and saws by day,

so too Pariah nails boards at night,

and fells the needed poplars for the stack,

and plucks the other fields clear of rocks,

and shows his adoration for his Spouse.

And in betwixt this all there's one more thing,

as Pilgrim and Pariah both construct

together, ardently, a little shrine

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