wot was his problem?—

"Shall we go to the next class?" Moony once again brought the girl back from her thoughts.

"Of course"

The next lesson was Herbology, Fate and Remus walked in the almost empty class, but yes Tom was already there, taking out his book from his bag.

Fate was left with another complicated decision to take.

should I sit with the blank face or should I not?...okay actually I will sit with a blank face—

Avery has just stepped into class along with Lucius and Rosier.

Both of them took a seat right behind Tom, while Avery looked at Tom then Nott who was sitting in the row next to Tom, deciding with whom to take a seat.

Tom annoyingly looked up to see who was towering over him, causing a shadow to fall over his and when he did he first saw Avery then Fate.

He quickly plunged forward and garbed Avery by the arm and pulled him on the seat next to him.

All of this happened in just a few seconds so the poor girl did not even get a chance to do anything but she will do now.

"So...now that you have been looking his way since the past two minutes I am going to assume you wanted to sit next to him," Remus said eyeing Tom then Fate.

"Well, what can I do? I have got to my knowledge he his the best student in our class...so I thought maybe-"

"Oh no it is alright but Avery already sat with him" Remus assured.

"Oh, I will take care of that" Fate said confidently.

"Ok then" with a nod Remus took a seat opposite and far away from the Slytherins.

Fate made her way to Tom's table and by the look of it, everyone had noticed except Riddle himself.

"Hey there, Avery right? I was wondering if I could please take your seat? I am sort of struggling with Herbology and Tom could help me with it. so will you please let me?" She asked as politely and nicely as she possibly could.

Avery looked at her with a raised eyebrow while Tom on the other hand pretended that the right side of the class didn't exist.

Suddenly Avery did not know what took over him but he politely nodded and got up and took a seat with Nott.

With a satisfied smile, she took a next to the gorgeous but evil boy.

"Hello there," she greeted casually.

"Hey" he tried to not roll his eyes as he said his greetings.

"So, how was divination?"

"It was alright, we learned how to get an insight of the future by means of sand but all everyone saw was...well dirt nothing more" he explained looking slightly dissatisfied at the end.

Fate was about to speak when he uttered again. "Where were you?"

The words had left his lips before he could comprehend what he had said.

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