Love 6

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Love 4 U

Love 6

Author POV

Pakorn and friends Law Firm

Max got a phone call from his lawyer and asked him to meet at his office.

After Max register as a guest at the reception, he was instructed to take the elevator to the 12th floor.

When the elevator door about to close, Max heard someone shouted to wait up while banging the elevator door.

Max pressed the open button and when the door is opened again he saw someone that he did not expect to see.

“Fiuh…thank you for wait up. Wait…I know you.”

Max: “Yes, I know you too young master Tul.”

Tul: “You are that new assistant called…Hmn…Ma…”

Max: “Maxiine.”

Tul: “Yes! Maxiine.”

Max: “Hmn, what floor are you going?”

Tul: “12th floor please. Oh, we are going to the same floor. Why are you going on the same floor with me?”

Max rolled his eyes, I think I pressed the 12th floor first before you came in.

Max: “Well, I’m going to see a lawyer.”

Tul: “I am a lawyer, I can help you.”

Max: “No,no. I already have an appointment with one of the lawyer.”


Tul express a disappointment on his face, because he wants to help.


Suddenly the elevator stops and the lights turn to emergency.

Tul: “What the h*ll…!”

Tul was panicked. He abusively pressing the emergency button and scream for help.

“Anybody hear me?! Help! What are you guys doing? I thought you fix this elevator yesterday?! Come and get me now! Hurry up!”

Tul scream was echoing inside the elevator, Max are started to get annoyed.

Max: “Young master Tul, I think you need to calm down. Help is coming.”

Tul: “I can’t! I’m panicking right now.”

Max: “Yeah, I can see that. Now take a breath…inhale…exhale…inhale…exhale…”

Tul following Max instruction obediently and then he start to get better.

Max: “That’s right just breath. Here, eat this. This will calm you down.”

Max hand a candy to Tul, he took it right away and eat it.

Max: “Feel better now?”

Tul: “A little. Are you always bring candy with you?”

Max: “Eer…No, I just happened to have it in my pocket.”

Tul smiling when he saw the plastic wrap of the candy.

Tul: “I haven't eat this candy for so long. Where did you get this candy from? This is an old candy, they didn’t sell it in convenient store anymore.”


Tul: “I used to eat this candy when I was a child. My best friend used to bring me this candy every weekend. Where did you get it?”

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