Love 37

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Love 37

Author POV

Gigie went to the campus with the hope that she can talk to Film about their friendship.

But Film is never alone, she's now befriend with Gigie's bullies and they start to bully Gigie again since then.

But deep down she knew Film is a good person and they are good friends before, that's why Gigie doesn't want to give up yet.

Gigie finally saw Film sitting in the canteen alone after taking a call, she took the opportunity and rushed to talk to her.

“Film, can we talk?”

Film glance at her and lazily said.

“What do you want to talk about?”

“About our friendship and about brother Bright. I'm shocked when I know he is your brother, but he’s been my brother for so long.

I know it's awkward but, is it ok if we still be friends? For brother Bright...can he be your brother and my brother too?”

“No! I won’t share my brother with you. You have been calling him your brother for long enough. Now it’s my turn to be his sister, the Real sister, not you.

And for our friendship…I don’t know, you can call it off.”

Gigie surprised that Film easily end their friendship like that, but Gigie clearly don’t want this friendship to be over.

“Brother Bright already lives with you now. I…I won’t snatch brother Bright from you. I…I just want to still be friend with you.”

Film looked at Gigie’s sad face, she went to deep thought.

When Film was abaout to say something…

“Film my friend, are you ready to…Oooh, look who's here!!!”

“Why are you everywhere, just like a fly?”

"Is she bothering you again, Film? Do you want us tu teach her some lesson?"

The 3 girls who usually bullied Gigie are coming.

Film doesn't answer them, but she also didn't say anything to help Gigie, so she just let the bullies say what they want.

Girl 1: “I think we haven't show her enough of what we can do!”


The other gilr stops the first girl who is about to put her hand on Gigie.

Girl 1: "Why???"

Girl 2: "We can take her with us."

Girl 3: “Huh? But does she even have a ticket?”

Girl 2 whispering something to the others.

Girl 1: “Sure! She can come with us!”

Girl 3: “Come on now, we must go right now, we have to get the best spot!”

Gigie was dragged away by the girls. She has no idea where they are going, but since Film is there too, she think’s maybe there’s a chance for her to talk to Film again.

When they arrived at the lobby venue, Gigie saw a really big banner with Lee face on it.

Girl 3: “Oooh my God! I can’t wait to listen to his voice!!!”

Girl 2: “I know right! This is just a small concert, but look at the enthusiasm!”

Girl 1: “Thank’s to Film, his father helps us to get the tickets, or else, we have to go through ticket war to get the ticket!”

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