Love 3

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Love 3

Newwiee POV

Remember at the hotel last night?”

How come his question sounds like I slept with him?!


I don’t expect to meet such a trouble on my first day at work.

“What is wrong with that guy?! I smell trouble from them! I think our days here will fill with trouble.”

I said to Bright and Max after we are walked away from the 4 Vihokratana young masters.

Bright: “Don’t jinx it!”

Newwiee: “Ok, ok I won’t. But I’m telling you we have to be careful with them especially that arrogant but handsome jerk.”

Bright: “Just go with the plan and don’t go sides way.”

I took a deep breath. Bright is right, don’t let him consume me, we have plans to fulfil.
I need a candy to calm myself down.


I asked Max because he always carrying sweet with him even if he didn’t like sweets as much as I do.

Max: “Huh?”

“Why are you distracted??? And what happen with your name?”

I asked Max who kept silent after we got held up by the Vihokratana young masters earlier.

Bright: “Yes, what’s wrong with you Mr. Maxiine…”

Bright asked while teasing Max with the name he gave earlier.

Newwiee: “Yeah! Please explain yourself Maxiine…”

Max: “Huff…Stop it guys, I change it because I don’t want him to recognize me…”

“Who?” I asked.

Bright: “Don’t tell me…”

Max: “Let’s talk about this when we are free, right now we have a meeting with the CEO and he is waiting for us…”

Me and Bright: “Hmpf…no fun!”


After having a meeting with the CEO, we have the permission to meet every departments and authority to all the files and information of the Mall.

At first we call for a meeting with the finance department team to know the finance power and budget for the new Mall.

“Thank you for all your time, I would like to see your report by tomorrow.”

We start at 11PM and now it was almost 13:30PM.

“I feel bad for holding you guys from your lunch break. For my apology, I would like to buy lunch for the finance team.”

I don’t want them to have a bad impression about me on my first day of work, so I think treating them lunch is a good idea.

“You guys can choose the restaurant.”

I added. The finance team are smiling and clapping their hands.

“Ok, let’s clean things out and assemble at the lobby.”

4 of the finance team decided to eat pasta and pizza so, the three of us following them to the restaurant for the lunch.

On the afternoon, we are having another meeting with the marketing department until dinner time, so I decided to treat the marketing department to dinner and they choose a shabu-shabu restaurant.

The next few days I also have a full day meeting with each of department and just like the first day, I treat every one of them after the long meeting.


I let go a long sigh and slammed my body on the sofa in my office after the morning meeting with the event and organizer team.

Bright: “Well, I think we have enough information for the project…”

Max and I nodded our head agreed.

Max: “We better be, because my brain is burning…and my tummy is getting bigger.”

We laugh, because what Max said is right. If we keep going meeting all day and treating them to eat for one more day we will over working our brain, getting fatter and going broke.

Bright: “Since we are free for the rest of the day, I remember something…Mr. Maxiine, you said you are going to tell us about someone?”

I jump sit up from the sofa and looked at Max.

Newwiee: “Yeah, did you find him already? Your childhood crush?”

Bright: “Which one of Vihokratana young master is he?”

Max let go a long sigh, many years ago when he still lives in Bangkok, he used to have a childhood friend slash crush.

They know each other since baby. They went to the same school, spent their weekends and holiday together, they even made a promise to stay together forever, but after his parent’s accident the boy never came to see Max again.

Max: “I never knew he is one of Vihokratana young master. As far as I know his last name is Pakorn because his father is Theo Pakorn the most expensive and famous lawyer in Bangkok. My dad used to be his associate in the law firm and they are good friends.”

Me and Bright: “Whoooaaa…”

Bright: “You once told us your father is a lawyer but you never told us your father was that successful. So, you are supposed to be loaded no?”

Max: “My father, not me…I remember my uncle and aunt said all my father wealth are used to settle their debt and funeral. But the last time I checked, they are still living in my house! I just want my house back and whatever my parents left for me.”

“What your fathers own is yours too. You have every right to claim it. Do you need help Max?”

I asked him.

Max: “You’ve been helpful to me since day one New. I will solve my family problem myself.”

“But we are your family too…”

I pointed my finger at myself and Bright.

Not all the children who live in the orphanage is an orphan, some of them are in the orphanage because they are being abounded by their parents or foster parents.

Then how about us?

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