More Than Just a Human {Chapter Fifteen}

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“Happy one month of being stuck in this place with us anniversary!” Jade shouted as Autumn threw open the door. She hadn’t realized it had been a whole month since that day. She found her hand reaching for her abdomen, her fingers tracing the scar.

“Thanks?” Autumn giggled.

“You know, you still owe me the details of last week,” Jade hooked arms with Autumn, dragging her into the hall and toward Cade’s, before continuing. “I know you claim nothing happened between you and Tate, but come on. That’s just the crap you tell Clarke.”

“Nothing happened, I promise.” Jade frowned.

“Bummer.” As Cade’s office came to view, Jade stopped. “I’m starving. I’m going to grab some breakfast. Bring you something?” Autumn nodded as Jade skipped off toward the cafeteria. Autumn practically sprinted to Cade’s, afraid to be left alone.

The feeling had died down a lot, however, it was still present.

“Hey,” Autumn announced as she shuffled into Cade’s office.

“Look who it is. Everyone’s favorite newbie is one month old,” Cade grinned. Autumn rested in what Cade was now calling ‘Autumn’s chair’ due to the fact that she was there so much. Cade was standing off by the high school lab looking octagonal tables on the far side of the room.

“That sounds so weird,” Autumn giggled. “What’s on the agenda today, caption?”

“Whelp. Today, I am being forced to search for another person Clarke has dropped off. She refuses to tell me exactly why am I playing Nancy Drew, and I am very tempted to trip her with my cane every time I see her.” Cade rambled on.

“I wonder why she’s looking for all these people,” Autumn commented.

“Yeah, me too,” Cade scoffed, stepping toward Autumn and joining her in front of the monitors. “I mean it only takes like an hour or two . . . or three, but still! I’m not her personal servant!”

“Then why do you do them?” Cade shrugged.  Autumn opened her mouth to speak, Cade cutting her off.

“Don’t you dare accuse me of loving her.”

“Oh come on! It’s so obvious! You run around, doing her all these favors-” Autumn stopped when Cade sent her a nasty glare. “Fine. Don’t admit your love for her, hide your feelings forever.”

“I will beat you with my cane, don’t think I’m afraid. You only have one arm and I know how to hide a body. ” Autumn chuckled, her laugh resonating through the room. A groan exploded behind them, Autumn ceasing her laughter.

“Will you shut up!?” Sibella whined, stomping her foot. Her eyes were red, Autumn guessing from crying.

“Will you just go back to your padded walls and stop interrupting the fun?” Cade sneered. Sibella rolled her eyes, a group of specials shuffling past the room. There loud argument resonated through the room, Sibella whining. She sat in the furthest corner of the room, covering her ears and rocking back and forth. An overwhelming thought crossed Autumn’s mind, you can help.

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