[13] You're My Hero

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"We don't have the equipment to fully evaluate your injury," Ezra started. "But we have the next best handsomely hilarious thing . . . me!"

"What?" Autumn sniffled.

"I-I . . . well see I . . . Sorry, I thought that was funny . . . Now thinking about it this is probably the worst time to make a joke." He shook his head, clasping Autumn's wrist. Her arm wasn't outstretched completely; that was too painful for her. "I'm sorry."

"Its fine." Autumn didn't have the pep in her voice she usually did.

"We don't uhm," Ezra cleared his throat and viewed her arm. "We don't have any machines to look at your arm but I . . . well . . . you have me."

"Okay?" Autumn shifted uneasily on the table as Ezra removed his glasses and set them on his desk. He inhaled deeply while simultaneously shutting his eyes. Autumn was unbelievably nervous. She knew what he was about to do and her last encounter with someone's powers landed her here.

Ezra was motionless for a couple of seconds before he began to delicately run his hand up and down the length of her arm. He then gradually opened them, a golden cloud overcoming his iris's. It was the same beautiful color that had overcome Tate when he had revealed his gift to Autumn.

She thought back to when she'd first woken up in what Tate had then referred to as 'HQ' but was actually officially called 'Base Station'. Just a glimpse into this new world had cost her so much. She reflected on the simplicity of her life before Tate Brechbuhl.

No chaos, no trouble, and no fear that at any moment she'd be pounced on and beaten. In that moment, Autumn desired nothing more than to go back to that day in the store and follow the crowd out of one of the exits.

"It's fractured," Ezra observed, breaking Autumn from her thoughts. The hypnotic color dissipated as Ezra blinked forcefully a few times as if attempting to return his vision to normal. He stumbled backward ever so slightly and gripped the counter.

"You can . . . see through things?" Autumn draped an arm over her chest. Ezra breathlessly chuckled, shaking his head.

"I can see through skin. I can't see through clothes, you're safe." Autumn dropped her arm. Ezra sank into his stool, visibly flushed.

"Are you alright?" Autumn questioned once he pinched his nose.

"Yeah," he shooed her away. "Just a side effect." He placed his glasses on his nose and threw open the lowest cabinet. He was clearly digging for something as he moved onto the next cabinet.

Autumn tried to focus on Ezra, not wanting to get stuck in her thoughts. However, she couldn't help but get lost. Her thoughts consumed her and, before she knew it, Autumn was reflecting on her family. She missed the way her mother would tease her stepfather.

She missed the way her stepfather would pout, his eyes narrowing as he made such an effort not to laugh. Of course, he failed every time and ending up laughing so hard his face would match that of a tomato.

I'm Only Human -- [Editing]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt