Clarkade Under the Stars {Chapter Fourteen}

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This chapter is for my good friend livinlovinlettingo! CLARKADE JUST FOR YOU!

“How are you not freaking out?” Autumn whined, pacing around the room, adjusting the strap to prevent it from further digging into her shoulder.

“Because this is what Tate does. He love to vanish! When he’s angry or upset, he just . . . disappears,” Cade replied, typing on his computer.

“It’s all my fault,” Autumn shook her head.

“Will you sit please? You're being incredibly obnoxious.” Cade questioned, spinning around in his chair. Autumn paused, only for a moment, before sliding into the seat next to him. “Better,” he returned his attention to his computer. “He broke your arm Autumn. This wasn’t you getting tackled in the hallway or yelled at. This was hurting you directly. No one knows how long he’ll disappear.”

Autumn sighed, leaning further into the chair. Pinching the bridge of her nose, she fought the tears that were begging to be released.

“Did you finish yet?” Clarke wondered, stomping into the room with some files.

“Why am I looking up all these people?” Cade sneered.

“Because I told you to,” Clarke growled.

“You sound like a mother. ‘Because I said so!’” Cade replied in a mocking tone.

“You sound like a five year old,” she slammed the files in her hand onto the tabletop. “Always complaining.” Cade snatched the files off the desk, tossing new ones in her direction. She caught them, glaring at the back of his head. Cade began to mutter under his breath. Autumn could make out a few things he said, and they were anything but nice.

“Clarke?” Autumn’s voice was quiet. Clarke’s eyes leapt from the file she was reading and to her. “Is he . . .”

“He’s fine,” Clarke lifted the corner of her lip, the closet to a smile Autumn had gotten. “I promise.”

“While were making promises, do you promise to see Ezra?” Cade asked, spinning around to face Clarke.

“What? Why?” Clarke raised her brow.

“You probably want to talk to him about getting the stick up your ass removed,” Cade sent her an arrogant smile.

“Go to hell,” Clarke rolled her eyes, charging out of the room.

“See you there, babe!” Clarke shouted a series of profanities, her voice slowly fading away as she traveled further down the hall.

“I think you guys secretly like each other,” Autumn nodded, wanting to take her mind off Tate. Cade glared in her direction, eyebrow raised.

“Are you stupid?”

“What? Some people are mean to each other when they have a crush,” Autumn shrugged. Cade began to gag.

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