I Needed Someone to Fight For {Chapter Twenty One}

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Thanks so much to the super talented EmolisciousSkittlez for the gif on the side!


Autumn kept peeking over her shoulder. Every corner she would approach, she would stop and observe the hallway ahead before continuing; Autumn was paranoid.

She hadn’t been this scared since she was forced to watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre. After watching that movie Autumn couldn’t go anywhere alone for a week.

She still couldn’t believe what Ezra had done. He had given her something dangerous. Autumn was scared he’d get in trouble, or that she’d get caught. She didn’t want to give the council another reason to hate her.

“Hey,” Autumn frantically stated as soon as she entered Cade’s office.

“What's up?” Cade wondered, hitting a key on the keyboard before whirling around in his chair. “Look at you sling-less sally . . . . What’s that?”

“Something Ezra gave me . . . can I leave it in here?” Cade snatched his cane and got up, heading toward her as fast as he could. He took the bag from her and shuffled behind the tables he had in the back. He pulled open a storage closet, one Autumn had never seen before.

“There we go,” Cade nodded as he shut the door.

“Thanks,” she smiled. Why wasn’t he asking what was inside? Autumn wanted to question him, but her thoughts were interrupted when Tate entered the room. Her heart skipped a beat and the butterflies in her stomach fluttered wildly.

Autumn smiled, she couldn’t help it. His presence just made her so unbelievably happy. Tate and David shuffled into the room, Cade shoving past Autumn to meet them. Her feet took her towards them, Autumn’s mind to focus on Tate’s wide smile.

“Hey Cade, we need you to settle an argument for us. Tate says he can hold his breath longer than I can because he’s taller. Which is obviously ridiculous.” David crossed his arms over his chest, tapping his foot as he awaited an answer.

“David, you can’t hold your breath longer than him because you suck,” Cade chuckled at his joke. Autumn stared at her shoes, waiting for her heartbeat to return to normal.

“Hey,” Tate spoke. Autumn gazed at him, his eyes so distracting.

“Hey,” she giddily replied, feeling like a school girl. Cade raised his eyebrow, watching them with extreme curiosity. Autumn blushed, her cheeks pink.

“What’s with that?” David mumbled to Cade, just as confused.

“Hmm?” Autumn tried to distract herself.

“You guys are being weird,” David said.

“You guys are acting like . . .” Cade paused, eyes widening. “Oh my god, did you-” before he could finish his statement, Autumn plopped her hand over his mouth. Cade began to mumble into her palm as Autumn nervously laughed.

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