Not Invited {Chapter Thirty Five}

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Sorry for the long wait guys! I just started college and have been so busy. Four chapters left! 

Autumn felt a small, microscopic, weight lift off of her shoulders as she saw the mass amount willing to fight for her; for humans. David, Jade, Clarke, and Autumn had developed a system to see who was suitable to go out, and who was not.

First, they signed up with David and Jade. They had stolen a folding table from god knows where, and were manning it.

Once the person had it physically written down they were willing to lose their life for the cause (The Council's decision to add that last part was the last way to seek control they could conjure up.).

Next, they went through Clarke. She would first test there fighting ability, then she would show them each a few basic self-defense moves and then practice with them. More people than Autumn thought had managed to get Clarke's "battle ready" stamp of approval.

After Clarke, they would see Ezra for a physical test and finally Autumn for a powers test. Autumn was in charge of deciding which gifts would be useful. If they managed to pass all of the tests, they were in.

Once they were in, they'd spend the next two days constantly practicing self-defense and control over there gift. After that, they went out into the world. More than half of the total amount of residents signed up. They each gave different variations of answers as to why they were.

Most were doing it because they no longer wanted to hide in fear. Some, to Autumn's surprise, didn't believe humans should be killed by Kyra. That made her very happy.

The process of approving everyone was exhausting; physically and mentally.

It took an entire day to go through each and every person. Autumn had to look each one in the eye, knowing how strong the possibility of them not coming back was.

That killed her.

When the last person drug themselves out of the door, Autumn was relieved to finally be done with everything.

"Thank god!" Cade exclaimed. She had set up shop in Cade's office (in the back). He watched each person enter with narrow eyes and wouldn't turn towards his monitors until they left. "That was getting annoying."

"You didn't do anything," Autumn snorted, collecting some loose papers she had used to write down those who had passed.

"I let all of those people invade my personal space. That's something." He spun his chair around, eyes on one of the monitors as he began to type away. "There was a reason I hid in here for so long."

"I know I know, everyone's not as smart as you," Autumn said, jumping off the chair, scooping up her files, and heading towards the door.

"You said it, not me," Cade shrugged. Autumn grinned as she met up with Clarke, David, and Jade at the table. David and Jade were arguing over how to fold the table back up. David insisted on unlocking the hooks, Jade just wanted to "kick the damn thing closed".

"I have the list," Autumn said as she approached the group. David and Jade paused to listen in.

"How many made it past Terminator over here," David whispered behind a cupped hand, as if it would successfully keep Clarke from hearing him.

"Twenty Two." Autumn handed the list to Clarke. She skimmed through it.

"Are we included on that?" Jade wondered.

"You guys didn't go through all the tests," Clarke droned like a robot, returning the list to Autumn.

"Seriously?" Jade whined.

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