It's Not Goodbye {Chapter Twenty Seven}

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Autumn was disorientated. Her vision was blurry and her head pounded. She tried to sit up, having to grip the couch cushion to do so; she felt as if any second she was going to throw up.

Autumn shoved those feelings aside, focusing on her predicament. It took a few minutes for the haze over her eyes to fade. When it did, she studied everything around her. Autumn was lying on a beige L-shaped sectional sofa.

Resting her feet against the plush carpet, she struggled to stand. When she rose, she smashed into the corner of the solid wood glass coffee table. Across from the couch and the table was a sixty inch flat screen television, which was drilled into the wall.

A storage cabinet was next to the television; it was the same color as the ivory walls. Autumn stumbled toward it, her legs acting as if they hadn't been used in years. Scanning her fingers over the shelves, she realized the cabinet was filled with movies.

Some of them she had seen, and loved. Others were movies she had always wanted to watch. Autumn would have stood there, marveling over the collection, but a 'whoosh' sounded.

She peered over her shoulder and toward the source of the sound. Two doors rested on the back wall behind the couch. Autumn could see light peeking out from under one of them.

Someone turned on a faucet, water running.

Passing the open kitchen, she circled around the couch. Her hand hovering over the doorknob, she paused.

Autumn tried to rationalize her situation. Where was she? How did she get here? What did Tate do to her?

She couldn't, she wouldn't, believe Tate had done anything to harm her. Yet, she couldn't ignore the facts.

He was the only other person in the garage. He spoke to her right before it happened. Something wasn't right. Autumn tried to stop thinking about it; but it was all she could do.

Could Tate have been using her? Could he be as bad as Kyra? Could he have been pretending all along?

Whoever was behind the door held all the answers to her burning questions. Whoever was there was the one who'd brought her here. Before she could hesitate again, Autumn thrust open the door. Someone stood directly behind it, staring at her with wide eyes.

Autumn's first reaction was to scream, jumping two feet in the air before leaping backwards. She smashed into the couch.

"Whoa there!" Tate laughed. Autumn clutched her chest, attempting to catch her breath.

"You can't do that to me!" She shouted, cheeks flushed.

"What did I do? I was just using the bathroom and then you opened the door," Tate shrugged.

"Where are we?" Autumn wondered as she sat on the back of the couch.

I'm Only Human -- [Editing]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang