To Save Tate {Chapter Thirty Two}

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Thank you so much to my new best friend valuables. She made the AMAZING manip up above. I'm so in love with it, words don't even describe. Thank you!


Autumn's first reaction was to panic; and that's exactly what she did. Tate let out a sharp breath as Simmons ripped the knife from Tate. Tate stumbled backwards, running into Autumn before his knees buckled.

Autumn attempted to keep him on his feet, but ended up lowering him to the ground. She held onto Tate, his head resting against her shoulder.

"No no no," she repeated over and over. Resting her hand over the wound, she was terrified to find it soaked in blood. Simmons clutched the counter top for support, catching his breath before standing by Joseph.

"Are you alright?" Joseph questioned.

"Took you long enough to get here," Simmons spat out some blood onto the ground.

"I was calling in for more backup," Joseph sneered.

"We don't need them anymore," Simmons rolled his eyes. "Kyra's not going to be happy. Go see if she's awake yet."

"What do we do with them?" Joseph asked. Autumn could barely see anything, her eyes filled to the brim with tears.

"He's as good as dead. Probably has twenty minutes or so before he bleeds out."

"That's enough time for something to happen," Joseph warned, reaching into his holster to force out a gun.

"Then take them out." Joseph pointed the barrel of the gun at Autumn's head. Tate tried to shield her, but moving proved to be too difficult.

"I love you," Autumn whispered, gripping Tate's hand. Joseph took the gun off safety.

"Please, don't hurt her," Tate whimpered.

"If only your father could see you now. Begging at our feet," Simmons teased.

"Say goodbye." A cord wrapped itself around Joseph's neck. He dropped the gun, clawing at it as he staggered backwards. His head was forced into the wall several times before eventually he crumbled.

Clarke stood behind him. "Goodbye," she said with a smirk.

Simmons leapt for the gun, Autumn kicking it out of his reach and to Clarke. She charged forward, sliding on her knees to the gun. Simmons chased after it as well. Clarke snatched the gun off the ground, setting the barrel against his head.

"You made a very big mistake," Clarke growled.

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