Chapter Seven, The Two Faced Monster.

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The city's demise was in the horizon yet the swords were never sheathed. Day and night were entwined as the burning blood of rivaliry melted the boundary between both of them. A monster lurks in the city hidden under the skin of an innocent woman, and another monster hides under a mortal disguise.

Abigail felt a rising danger approaching not only her but Carvo as well. Andrew suspected something and she couldn't understand how, everything about her was normal to the common eyes but that man saw right through her disguise easily.

Carvo wasn't at ease either. His face turned blue once Dunken left, but he did his best to make sure Abigail doesn't worry. The fact that there's a Mooncaller among them made Carvo realize that the situation is terrifying, let alone the fact that the Mooncaller is dressed in Lady Maria's own skin and flesh. Carvo suspected all those around him, in his vast research over the years he had never encountered a Mooncaller that can wear a human body like a suit.

As the two went downstairs, Carvo asked Abigail to sit on her chair while he grabbed his notebook and sat on his desk.

"What did he tell you?" Abigail asked Carvo.

"Nothing, he was just collecting the research papers." Carvo said, fixing his monocular.

"You don't like it, you're hiding something.." Abigail said in a concerned tone.

"I'm not, it's always like that. Abby, I have carried a burden since I was ten years old. Any slight mistake could end this entire city in a Mooncaller's stomach." Carvo said, to which Abigail's heart felt heavy knowing what monster she is.

"This guy, Andrew, who's he?" Abigail asked.

"He's the strategy division's leader, but most importantly, tell me about this stinking bastard dwelling next door!" Carvo said, lowering his voice tone as he sat down close to Abigail.

Abigail was hesitant, she feared what would happen to Carvo if he knew what she was told, she knew that Carvo wouldn't allow her to visit Brando and if he did, she would feel watched and uneasy.

"Come on, tell me about it!" Carvo insisted as Abigail took too long to reply.

"He is called Brando.." Abigail said, "He's a thinker as you expected.." She continued. Carvo looked very disturbed yet interested. He rubbed his chin in amusement. Abigail remained silent as it it was Carvo's duty to pull the words out of her mouth. She was hesitant on accepting Brando's invitation and informing Carvo of his intentions.

"And what did he say? Did he show hostility towards you? Maybe resentment?" Carvo asked as he listened carefully.

"No, not really.." Abigail replied, still hiding Brando's offer from Carvo.

"What did he tell you, Abby? He told you to join him, right?" Carvo said as he sat down facing Abigail in confrontation.

Carvo seemed to be very serious and very focused, his eye was glaring at Abigail's but not in a way to scare her or make her feel uncomfortable, it made her only realize how dangerous the situation is.

"How do you know..?" Abigail asked.

"You think we haven't been in that situation before, huh?" Carvo replied.

"I'm not familiar with them.."

"I know you're not, Abby, but I am. It's my duty to report them to the protector legions, however, this Brando fellow doesn't look like an easy target to me. That bastard.. He took Maria's skin like a dress.."

"I'm sorry, Carvo.."

"Abigail, you mustn't meet him..I'll report this to -"

As Carvo and Abigail talked, loud knocking on the front door resounded making Carvo jump on his feet in freight.

"Stay here, I'll close the door." Carvo said as he closed the door and ran up stairs as Abigail curled up on the coach, feeling uneasy as the knocking became aggressive and annoying.

"I'm here, just a minute!" Carvo shouted as he opened the door cautiously and peeked right through it only to find breathless Clyde bursting in the apartment.

"What the hell, Clyde?! Why are you back so early?" Carvo asked Clyde as he felt his heart almost breaking out of his chest.

"My division's leader, G-George was f-found dead!" Clyde cried and Carvo frowned upon hearing this, but it didn't take him long to understand what was going on.

Carvo could feel Abigail peeking through the door behind them, and so, he decided to remain calm rather than show his distress.

"You must be a special kind of idiot to leave your division at this critical time and come here." Carvo sighed as Clyde sat down on the chair, obviously uncomfortable.

"They sent us across the city to collect the owls and replace the damaged ones, I just passed by here because I thought you needed to know.. H-he was ripped apart, Carvo, like a fucking marshmallow! You know what does that mean, right?" Clyde cried out loud and Abigail calmly observed them through the door.

"I know, Clyde..I'll fix this.." Carvo said as he walked across the room back and forth with a sweaty face and a troubled mind that left Abigail retreating in her position to the basement once again, with heavy steps and a sudden guilt she lied down as Clyde and Carvo discussed their situation.

City of blood knows no mercy towards those who had built it block by block. A respected leader was torn like a journal paper among his soldiers, so fragile and so weak. Fear spread like a plague among the people once they saw their strongest lose their life brutally. Who's there to avenge him?

Clyde's emotions towards Abigail were growing dark and resentful. He was unable to comprehend the idea of her being just a naive child who was tortured without her own well. He thought Carvo was being blindsided by his love towards that creature that resembles the remains of the sibling he had searched for years.

And Abigail knew.

She sat downstairs in the basement feeling guilty. Her mind kept thinking, what could she do to prove her loyalty to the humans of Boneclad? Fight alongside the legions? Kill herself? Or be the bridge between the legions and Mooncallers.. The two faced monster?

Abigail made her mind and jumped upstairs where Clyde sat in distress and Carvo walked across the room, she looked at them and took no time to think before she interrupted their thoughtful silence.

"That Mooncaller, Brando! He wants to meet me tomorrow by nine o'clock and I'm going." Abigail said, Carvo shook his head in frustration as Clyde jumped off his chair in disbelief, Carvo didn't want Clyde to be involved in this situation as he hardly trusted anyone about this.

"H-how?! How do you know him?!" Clyde hysterically burst at Abigail who stood still facing him, knowing his reaction is quite normal and acknowledging that she is a descendant of the enemy's blood.

"I'm one of them, Clyde. We can sense each other. Nevertheless, I know I have a responsibility. Carvo, I need you to help me figure out my weaponry before tomorrow, because when the time comes, I'll kill Brando."

Abigail's determination shocked both of the men. Carvo was scared and feared that Abigail is simply is still a child with a child's mind, she cannot kill or even hurt a fly. On the other hand, Clyde had his own provoking thoughts. Wondering if it's the best that he takes out his sword and puts that demon out of its misery or wait for another one of its kin to do so. In the end, Clyde glared at Abigail in disgust which left Carvo stunned. Clyde, the boy with a loving heart, has come to be filled with contempt towards someone.

"If you don't bring this Brando guy's head by tomorrow, Sir Dunken will be informed of your presence. I'm sorry, Carvo. I won't wait for that demon to carve out our hearts by fullmoon, I don't trust her anymore.. I don't think I ever did.." Clyde said in a very serious tone and Carvo stood starring at him in disappointment. In the distance, Abigail looked at Clyde with teary eyes and a heavy heart. She would tell herself she would never be a demon, try to brush away whatever Clyde is trying to beat into her head, but it was too late. By the time Clyde left the house, Abigail's demonic sense had awaken inside of her.

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