Chapter Twelve, The White Sect.

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Two days till fullmoon.

As soon as the red alert sirens thundered through the city's, Carvo jumped in his coat and decided that he would no longer wait. "It must be done." he said, fixing his grey hair in front the mirror. "But I must find her first." He remembered, forging a plan to act upon in this time of chaos. The legions were swarming the streets and residents were forced into a lockdown, but Carvo had his own pass. After all, he was the main key in solving the Mooncallers mystery.

As Carvo went on his way, Andrew was preparing himself for this dangerous situation. In his office, he didn't check the tapes as they had already gotten the identity of the mooncaller on the run. Maria's corpse, or whatever was left of her, was retrieved. Clyde was admitted to the hospital but hadn't regained consciousness yet, only two days were left till fullmoon, and so, the city's forces were split into two. One to find the fugitive, and the other to prepare for battle.

I. A thousand path to defeat.

When speaking of the half century old battles, evolution of techniques must be discussed. On one side, progress was achieved under the pressure of the need for survival, and on the other side, progress was sought to advance forward. The city was eaten battle by battle, and the humans retreated further to the point they were almost stuck to the cracked walls of their perished city. Those who dared to walk into the barren white fields of ice never made it back, and so, battling these monsters was their only hope.

On the other hand, the victorious beasts believed to reach triumph very soon. The mooncallers waited for the day they'd have enough stock food to carry on towards the world they have never seen.  Their technology dominated the battlefield, and some of them had intelligence that could create an entire new civilization outside this rotten dome. The leaders had always possessed some sort of sentience that the humans had always failed to comprehend, but Carvo knew that these beings never left their humanity behind.

In the north of the city, the most fortified spot, a woman ran across the legions march, ignoring the lockdown and proceeding to cause chaos among the unified troops. "Help me! My machine has been stolen!" She cried, running around the soldiers that pushed her aside, screaming at her to go back, but she didn't care.

"You must find Nelly, she did this!" The woman pleaded as the legion's commander stopped her angrily.

"What do you think you are doing!" He shouted, "There's a god damn mooncaller on the run, hide somewhere!" He commanded her, and she ignored his wishes. "My machine, the front-line's defense, is stolen! There won't be a battle if the twilight reverie isn't there!" She explained, frantically holding the commander's arm as the marching stopped and her words were all that could be heard among the hundreds of dazzled and disheartened soldiers.

"Oh my lord, are you Ivanka Volkov?" The commander asked, she nodded. "My apologies!" He gasped in disbelief. "There's no time to waste." She stated, the commander asked his second-in-command to take his position as he encouraged his soldiers to stay calm and composed. The commander and Ivanka ran to the north station, both of them were as pale as the snow underneath them, knowing what the twilight reverie was, they understood the trouble the city faced.

The North station.

"We are in big trouble, sir." The commander spoke in a terrified tone. The man he addressed was no one other than Dunken who was taken by the sight of Ivanka.

Ivanka was in her early fifties. She was a genius that was recently recognized by the military, her weapon named the twilight reverie was the card that flipped the tables in the upcoming battle. She worked in her own hangar, guard-less as she refused the company of military personnel and believed to be at the safest spot in the city, but she was wrong.

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